Recent content by Robert Cook

  1. Robert Cook

    [SOLVED] What is the voltage for brown wiring

    For the motherboard I cannot find any data on the power requirements, but if that is a CPU power port (which it has to be) then it is 12V and ground. This is all I could find on the motherboard: As for the power supply: that is not a great...
  2. Robert Cook

    i5-4590 in 2019

  3. Robert Cook

    [SOLVED] Looking for advice on getting a new CPU

    The cheapest you could pull of brand new would be a ryzen 1500x (because it comes with the 65W cooler which is enough for even a moderate overclock as opposed to the lesser coolers on lower models and 4C, 4T is not a great idea for 2018) and a B350/450 motherboard, sadly that will still also...
  4. Robert Cook

    Is it normal to see fluctuation in the gpu clock?

    GPU clocks especially under Nvidia's boost algorithms move around. As long as the card is not hot (based on your fan profile it should not be) and your power supply is capable, then there should be no issues.
  5. Robert Cook

    Dac or amp or both?

    Most apple computers especially the pro oriented ones seem to have some pretty good dacs, so an amp is probably all you need, however most devices for sale will do both, and as for which one is a good option, well thats an audiophile black hole. Are you certain you need an amp? unless you have...
  6. Robert Cook

    [SOLVED] Is a 600va UPS enough for my system?

    VA is the power (reactive and real that the supply can deliver) so yes, that can easily power your system, as for capacity? no way to know, we need to know the battery capacity. That system should not draw more than 200W even after power losses, so for 6 minutes that is .1(200) or 20wH or so...
  7. Robert Cook

    What should I upgrade my cpu to?

    On your current platform? nothing really sadly, you could go and grab a 2600X,DDR4 ram, and AM4 motherboard though. (or a 1600, those are super cheap right now)
  8. Robert Cook

    [SOLVED] Resale value for build

    That PSU and GPU make it worth parting out, the rest sadly has depreciated a ton. $50-80 for the CPU, perhaps 150 with the motherboard, $80 for the RAM, Cases are really subjective. PSU I would say $60-100 RX580 $140-180?
  9. Robert Cook

    [SOLVED] Is it safe to overclock a GPU with no 6-pin connector?

    Yes, however you need to be reasonable with the overclock, and if you can measure it, make sure the power draw never exceeds 75W by much. (or at all if you have multiple PCIE cards).
  10. Robert Cook

    i5-4590 in 2019

    A 2600 is a pretty solid investment, the 3000 series is a ton of hype right now, until we get solid answers I feel pretty happy recommending the 2600. If you do not want to overclock, then get the 2600X. However, upgrading your CPU will only help a bit, because then your GPU will run out of...
  11. Robert Cook

    [SOLVED] What is the voltage for brown wiring

    does it look like a 4 pin EPS/CPU connector? If so then they should be 12V strange that they are brown though.
  12. Robert Cook

    [SOLVED] Which compressed air can

    Any brand works, just keep it upright and try to avoid breathing it in, as it is not actually air. Always hold fans while dusting.
  13. Robert Cook

    [SOLVED] Which CPU to pair with the RTX 2070

    either the 2600X or the 2700X. Make sure you get B die ram and set correct timings. there is the ryzen memory calculator which will help with the timings.