i5-4590 in 2019

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Dec 11, 2018
Hi everyone.
My current system is i5-4590 + gtx 970 + 8gb ddr3 ram. I have started to play Forza Horizon 4 since november and noticed that my CPU is about 100% load in the game (and sometimes it is exactly 100% load and after this driving control lags starting, btw without fps drop). It is high graphics settings. GPU is in 70-90% load. When i had changed grapics to minimum i had 80-95% CPU load and 30-60% GPU load. Also I tested Insurgency:Sandstorm in an open beta some days ago. The same result here. About 100% of load of CPU. I had to put minimum graphics to game start to work smooth (there were some FPS drops + discord started to lag, my friend couldn't hear me (i was lagging) and i heard his voice only once per 5 seconds.). So here's the question. Is i5-4590 completely out of date now? I have a plan to update CPU + motherboard + RAM, but not the GPU (just no money for this). Just looking for 16gb DDR4 RAM + Ryzen 5 2600 or Ryzen 7 1700 or i5-8400 (more expensive). And the 4th variant to wait up for Ryzen 5 3600. But is it worth it? To update the CPU and do not update GTX 970 even in nearest future? I'm worry about 2 things: 1) New CPU will work in 20% load and GPU in 100% load. In such a case i guess purchasing of PS4 would be better. 2) New CPU will work as well as i5-4590 (100% load in FH4, Insurgency and etc.) Then i'll waste my money for nothing. Could you help me please? Should i update my CPU for playing FH4, Assetto Corsa Comp. and may be some other new games. Or there will be same FPS and lags? Thank you!

P.S. I guess i should sorry for my bad english and bad explanation of the problem. :)
A 2600 is a pretty solid investment, the 3000 series is a ton of hype right now, until we get solid answers I feel pretty happy recommending the 2600. If you do not want to overclock, then get the 2600X.

However, upgrading your CPU will only help a bit, because then your GPU will run out of headroom, so if you can wait until what could be June or later when the 3000s series comes out, then you will have more money to offset the prices of a brand new chip and a better GPU.

Thank you for the answer! I don't
think i could update gpu this summer, but i will do this in 2020. I hope :) So, is it worth it to update cpu and stay with gtx 970 for next year and a half?


Ryzen 5 2600 costs 25$ more than R5 1600 in the place where i live. I guess it is a good update, but i still worry about 2 things that i've mentioned at the top of the topic

the 2600/2600X will still be good regardless of what comes out next, so if you are not satisfied now, then go for it.


Thank you again! I think i will follow your advice. But may be some people will write about r7 1700 or another opinion about i5-4590 :)
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