Recent content by RockyPlays

  1. RockyPlays

    Looking to upgrade my exisiting graphics card.

    Best bet for you with that processor and power supply would probably be either a GTX 1050 or a 1050TI.
  2. RockyPlays

    Which of 3 monitors?

    The only real difference between these monitors is going to be colors and response time. The samsung monitor and the NEC EA261WM each have 5ms response time while the LCD2690WUXI2 has 8ms. Whichever of the two with 5ms response time looks better, should give the best gaming experience.
  3. RockyPlays

    Cpu-Gpu combinations help

    If possible, I say get the i5 7500 with the GTX 1070 or 1060 6gb. Unless you want to overclock, this cpu will give you the best performance for the price and will pair very well with either of those cards.
  4. RockyPlays

    NZXT Kraken G10 compatible with Lepa Aquachanger 120mm?

    No. Look at the shape of the G10. It requires a cooler with the same mounting design as the NZXT X31.
  5. RockyPlays

    Computer Build Under 600 dollars

    This build leaves with pretty solid performance at 1080p and a lot of room for future upgrades. PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant CPU: Intel Core i5-7500 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($198.29 @ SuperBiiz) Motherboard: ASRock H270 Pro4 ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($99.99 @...
  6. RockyPlays

    Does the Arctic Liquid Freezer 360 fit in the Phantom 530

    Yes, that case supports 360mm radiators.
  7. RockyPlays

    Need PSU recommendation
  8. RockyPlays

    $400 Monitor Suggestion
  9. RockyPlays

    I dont trust water cooling so im looking for the best air cooler for cpu Or all black...
  10. RockyPlays

    Chepeast 144hz or 120hz monitor.

    This Acer 144hz monitor is about as cheap as they get, while still being from a reputable company.
  11. RockyPlays

    Phanteks p400 vs nzxt s340

    Both are good cases. Take a look at the features and see which suits your needs better. If neither stand out in that aspect, choose based on looks.
  12. RockyPlays

    Do i need to do a pretest of Mobo, CPU, GPU, PSU, and mem before i install in case?

    No need for a test. Just install everything and boot normal. Unlikely to run into any issues, but if you do, it is not hard to identify, even in the case. Have fun and follow directions for installing everything. First build is always special. :)
  13. RockyPlays

    Black Red Case

    Best case in that price range. Not sure if it is quite what you had in mind.,%20LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=
  14. RockyPlays

    What PSU to use?

    Is it a no name brand? If so, you should probably replace it with a better quality unit. This one is on sale and performs quite well.
  15. RockyPlays

    upgrading pc should i get new psu?

    No need. That power supply is plenty for your system.