Recent content by rosieboo

  1. R

    Need help selecting parts for a friend

    thank you guys for all of the help
  2. R

    Need help selecting parts for a friend

    Do you think he can go down to an 8600k for streaming? or should he stay at the 8700k
  3. R

    Need help selecting parts for a friend

    Hello everyone, My friend asked me to build a gaming pc for him so i quickly added some part. He said that he does not really care about looks but still tried to get a theme in there. He does plan to stream that is why there is an i7, but I have not had much experience with the new cpus or...
  4. R

    Need help picking a wifi card

    Hello, I need to move from wired to wireless and I dont even know where to start. I dont care if it external or internal as long as it can play games. My budget is anything under 100$. btw this is CAD Thanks, you guys always have my back
  5. R

    I have a question about Raid 0.

    I have a 750gb ssd and want to increase my storage, but the one I have is more than double the price i bought it for. For it to run in raid 0 does it need to be the same ssd and same storage or is there ways that I can mix and match. my current ssd...
  6. R

    What do you think of my "low end" buisness/Gaming PC this is a build I put together with the deals I found. What do you guys think of it. btw the way I live in Canada. After everything it comes to $953 CAD Thank you
  7. R

    Need help with choice of monitor

    Hello everyone, I was looking at monitors and I need one to go along side the one I use with my laptop. I was looking at this one which is 219 CAD (because I live in Canada) after all the deals. The only...
  8. R

    Need help overclocking CPU

    I have a 7700k and I feel like the temps are really weird. I just installed it last week and have been running it at stock. When I tried to overclock to 4.8GHz with a vcore of 1.24v the temps go to the mid 80s. Is this normal of this CPU. I knew this CPU was hot, but at 1.24 it seems really...