Recent content by Runemane

  1. R

    Question Weird dead zone on desktop.

    I just noticed I have this weird 'dead zone' in my upper left hand corner of the screen, I cant drag icons to the location the cursor changes to a strike-though-circle (like a no smoking sign). But when I have a web page open over the area it works fine, just seems to be affecting the desktop...
  2. R

    [SOLVED] Is my PC good enough for Gaming 4k Streaming editting videos?

    Hunt around if you can I picked up a 2080 super on special for $999 (Australian) which is very cheap, also keep in mind that the 30 series is coming out soon(ish) so prices will start to shift.
  3. R

    Question What are all these devices in my device list .. there is about 50 of them

    As per my other post I figured out what is causing it but not what to do about it. I just got a new smart TV and I'm using it as my monitor. I put in the wifi...
  4. R

    Question What are all these devices in my device list .. there is about 50 of them

    Yeah I cheaped out when I built my computer just got the cheapest mobo for the system, I had to add in a wifi card, so it's only got the basics.
  5. R

    Question What are all these devices in my device list .. there is about 50 of them

    Don't have any Bluetooth devices as this is a desktop PC And yeah that's what I've had to do is click on each on and manually remove. I want to know what's creating them, I've got 2 chrome casts and my media server using PLEX Router is my PC is I've looked at...
  6. R

    Question What are all these devices in my device list .. there is about 50 of them

    Heya all just looked at my device list and i've got heaps of these 'servers' or something dunno where they all come from and annoyingly have to delete 1 by 1. View: Any way to mass delete or not have them in the first place?
  7. R

    ***Vintage PC Technology Mega Discussion Thread***

    Cleaning out the shed and came across this old box, top of the line back in its' day. :p
  8. R

    [SOLVED] How much is my old PC worth?

    Heya all just upgraded to a new PC and got my old rig sitting here gonna sell it, but want to get a approximate value, I know it's not gonna be much but I don't want to let it go for cheap or get low-balled. System purchased it in 2012, so 8 years old now, but GPU was purchased in 2016. Specs...