Recent content by sama1921

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    Question gtx 1060 founder's edition going 83c while gaming

    well there is no issue with it no fps drops or anything, i just read online that you should keep your GPU under 80c and some said it was fine just don't let it go over 90c so i was confused what to follow. that's why i decided to ask that is the temp i am getting okay or too high.
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    Question gtx 1060 founder's edition going 83c while gaming

    i have a Mars Gaming MPII650 PSU and i have no idea for model of my case to be honest it just says cooler master on front grill sorry. and it has no intake fans just one fan to expel heat out the back of my case.
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    Question gtx 1060 founder's edition going 83c while gaming

    so i got two questions 1st one is that i have a used gtx 1060 founder's edition card and it's hitting and sometimes sitting on that (83 degree C) mark while playing games but there is no stutter or frame drops or anything games run smoothly. so i wanted to ask will that temp damage my gpu or is...
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    will i5 3470 bottleneck rx 580 (8gb)/ gtx 1060 (6gb)?

    i currently have i5 3330 paired with gtx 1050Ti and it's running games fine but still i am thinking about upgrading the card and the processor so will i5 3330 or 3470 be a bottleneck for gtx 1060 and rx 580 that'll be helpful.
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    I5 gaming pc in 2018

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    I5 gaming pc in 2018

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    I5 gaming pc in 2018

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    I5 gaming pc in 2018

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    I5 gaming pc in 2018

    i don't know much about processor or generations and stuff. I just bought a rig for games and it's specs are: i5 3330, 8gb ddr3 ram @1600mhz, 2tb harddrive, GTX 1050ti with psu of 500W. whoever i tell says i wasted my money and that i should've gone for an i5 3470 or higher. i wanted to ask that...
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    Amd Radeon rx550 in workstation

    Hello, I have a hpxw6600 Workstation Intel Xeon E5410 2.3ghz (2 Processor) 24mb cache, it got 8gb ram and 2tb hard drive and has a power supply of 650W. i'm thinking about putting Radeon rx550 2gb in it. what i want to ask is will it be compatible with this workstation? or should i go with...
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    Intel Xeon in 2018