Recent content by shinevision

  1. S

    Windows 10 core usage when "idle"

    what procces is taking up the CPU % ? ( Check taskmanager ( CTRL+SHIFT+ESC to open it ) )
  2. S

    My rig is overheating. I don't know what else to do.

    can you controll the pump speed at all? can you hear the pump or is the pump even running? because that is a pretty high Temp for watercooling.
  3. S

    GPU hitting 100C now

    How old is the GPU? when did you buy it?
  4. S

    Need help with minecraft fps issue

    did you give your minecraft more than 1GB of ram? you can set the settings for that in the launcher/Edit Profile/ and then check the box JVM Arguments then where you see " -Xmx1G " change it to somthing like "-Xmx8G " the 8G is how much GB Ram your giving Minecraft. if there is no text in JVM...
  5. S

    [SOLVED] Computer Random Shutdowns

    Did you overclock your CPU?. or is it at stock speed?
  6. S

    Video camera capture problem

    i think its your camera. does it record on a SD card? if it does try switching it and see if that fixes it.
  7. S

    Just built a new computer and it won't display anything

    are the Fans spinning? if they are, you could try unplugging Power removing the CMOS battery and wait 10/20 secs and than reinstall the CMOS battery plug power cable back in and power on your system.
  8. S

    PC Radomly restarting with no bluescreen (think it's PSU related)

    i have the AMD FX 6350. a similar thing happened to me. i underclocked my CPU a little and that fixed it. try a lower overclock it might be too much for you PSU/Mobo.
  9. S

    When i Use my laptop and when i type "@" im getting " and vice versa how to resolve this issue

    Try pressing CTRL+SHIFT at the same time. if that doesnt solve it than i don't know :).
  10. S

    Smart hard disk error

    whats the error?.
  11. S

    Why do i lag in games when i have many fps ?

    it could be your CPU try opening Task Manager while ingame and look at the CPU %Usage if its very high (constant 98-100%) than that could be it. especially in games that have alot of physics. It could also be Internet lag try playing on low Ping server's ;)
  12. S

    Will my motherboard runs EVGA GeForce GTX 1070 or 1080???

    it "Should" work. do some research online if the motherboard has any problems with the GPU. you can never be to safe ;) also you can search for compatible GPU's using PCPartPicker: ( )
  13. S

    DisplayPort No Signal

    Did you check if the cable connection is clean? (dust ect). try cleaning the cable. if it keeps doing it you should try another cable to see if it keeps doing it. if it keeps doing it than Display port could be damaged/dirty.
  14. S

    Does this work.

    80% of the time its right. i should do some research tho. search on google if the i5-6600 is compatible with the Asus H110M-A Micro ATX LGA1151 For example. and try that on every piece. you can never be to safe ;)
  15. S

    PS2 power button feels unresponsive

    if it was never like that than no.