Recent content by siebevelez01

  1. siebevelez01

    EZ Debug LED CPU flashing

    So I want to start with some background, I built this PC a few months ago myself and everything went pretty good. My 8 pin CPU connector was too short so, after some googling, I found out that a 4 pin would work just fine, as long as I didn't overclock it. So, it has been running great these...
  2. siebevelez01

    Will 4 pin work in 8 pin?

    Yesterday, I built myself a new computer (first time). But when I finished, I noticed that I couldn't connect my 8 pin to power the CPU, because the cable was not long enough. So, I orderer an extension cable which will arrive in like 4 days. So, i was wondering, if I could put my 4 pin in there...
  3. siebevelez01

    Trouble with fps while gaming

    Your RAM seems to be good, your CPU should be alright (we don't know what type of i7 or i5 but it should be alright). The only thing I can think of is that GPU. I'm not that good with laptop hardware, but I'm pretty sure that's it, somebody correct me if I'm wrong
  4. siebevelez01

    Will 550W be enough for this build?

    Hi everybody, so let's start with the fact that I am using a XFX 550W Pro Core Edition as my PSU. I have been using it with these specs without (I think so) problems: i3-3220 MSI R9 390 8GB DDR3 ram ASRock B75 pro3-m 1000gb seagate barracuda But it's time for an upgrade and I was wondering...
  5. siebevelez01

    Decent PC cant run anything anymore

    Wow that's very odd, considering your GPU and CPU should be more than fine for a game like Gmod. Have you tried checking your driver's, and if that doesn't help, I recommend installing a clean windows 10.
  6. siebevelez01

    Trouble with fps while gaming

    Your PC is really lacking I'm sorry bud
  7. siebevelez01

    Best settings for Battlefield 1

    Keep in mind that BF1 is very CPU intensive, so you will probably be looking at medium maybe even low settings
  8. siebevelez01

    Will I be able to run fallout 4 @60fps?

    Hi, I was wondering, since I heard the game has some optimization issues, if I would be able to run it at any setting at 1080p60. Specs: i7-6700k@4.0Ghz Hyper 212 evo cooler R9 390 8GB 16gb DDR4 RAM
  9. siebevelez01

    Will i be able to run Fallout 4?

    So, if anybody wondered, i bought the game and I play with medium settings and TXAA and it runs a smooth 60 with drops to 52-55. Ofcourse I haven't gone to big cities yet so I'll have to see how that goes. But for now, I'm pretty suprised
  10. siebevelez01

    Will i be able to run Fallout 4?

    Hi, i was wondering, since i have an older cpu, if i would be able to run fallout 4 with any setting at 60fps. Here are my full specs: MSI R9 390 i3-3220 3.30ghz 8gb RAM
  11. siebevelez01

    Worth upgrading to a 1070?

    Hi, I was wondering if it was worth selling my r9 390 to buy a GTX 1070, since I was having some trouble in some games. The games I'm playing at the moment: AC Unity, The Division, BF1, BF4, The Witcher 3 My other specs are: i7-6700k MSI Z170a SLI PLUS 16gb DDR4 RAM