Recent content by sierraNfoxtrot

  1. S

    No Image when I plug my new PC into the TV

    Ok so we solved this problem. 1. We needed to plug in the two 6+2 pins that came with the power supply, into the video card. 2. You need to plug in BOTH power supply cables into the motherboard, both the 24 pin and the 4 pin. We had just the 24 pin in assuming that it was based on where you...
  2. S

    No Image when I plug my new PC into the TV

    So I plugged in the two 6 pin power cables, however I only have three ports to connect it to coming off the psu, which means the 4th is not plugged in. I started it up again but still no life in the gpu. I guess I need that fourth one plugged in? My computer friend who helped me set it all up is...
  3. S

    No Image when I plug my new PC into the TV

    No, the fans are not spinning when the PC is just turned on. I've opened the case up and am having a look inside. Please bear with me, this won't be pretty: So I see two outlets on the gpu right next to each other, they are identical. They are 6 pins, 3 stacked. I found two cords in my bag of...
  4. S

    No Image when I plug my new PC into the TV

    Sorry bear with me, so I need to plug the hdmi cable into the video cards hdmi outlet? Because I tried that and nothing happened =/ Edit: I'm pretty sure this matters: The fans on the video card and definitely not moving. So I assume it doesn't have any power? It's plugged into the mother board...
  5. S

    No Image when I plug my new PC into the TV

    Hey guys, please bear with me, I get the feeling there is a simple solution to this problem. I just finished my build. I'm using the tv as my monitor. So I turned on the new PC, plugged in the hdmi cable to the back of the box into the motherboard's hdmi outlet, and then plugged the other end...
  6. S

    Newbie to Operating Systems

    Thank you for clarifying that, that is also what the sales rep said and what i've been reading.
  7. S

    Newbie to Operating Systems

    Just picked up Windows 8 OEM after speaking with the sales rep while picking up my new case and power supply.
  8. S

    Newbie to Operating Systems

    Hey guys, So I am building my very first gaming computer and this is my first time ever even owning a windows computer. As such I have questions about the OS. I have every part now in my possession and will be assembling everything with an experienced friend this weekend. What continued to...
  9. S

    NZXT H440: Cooling with Fans

    I am looking into cases for my first gaming build. All that's left now is the case, as I have bought everything else, so I am only seeking feedback on the case. These are my current parts: CPU: AMD FX-6300 3.5GHz 6-Core Motherboard: Asus M5A78L-M/USB3 Micro ATX AM3+ Memory: RipjawsX Series 8GB...
  10. S

    Best PSU for this Gaming Build?

    You know what guys, I got my hands on a bit of extra money and I think i'm going to splurge on the EVGA 750W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply. That way I have some upgradablilty, a good guaranteed output and a beautiful 10 year warranty. Plus the reviews seem very good. I want...
  11. S

    Best PSU for this Gaming Build?

    I can get this eVGA SuperNOVA NEX750B 750W Bronze ( ) for around 80$ refurbished at my local store, would that be any good? But because it's a refurbished item it only has a 60 day warranty with the store, as opposed to a 1 year...
  12. S

    Best PSU for this Gaming Build?

    The EVGA 750W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply runs $119 here, is it still a good bang for it's buck? I see its under the tier 1 on that list, so i'm assuming it's a pretty good machine, but since it's $60 more than what I had originally budgeted I want to make sure it's going...
  13. S

    Best PSU for this Gaming Build?

    To be clear guys, I'm willing to go beyond "bare minimum" if it pays off down the road :). I don't want her to just barely scrape along, I want her to work like i've just asked Da Vinci to paint a stick man lol. I'll be playing games on the highest settings it can manage, as well as watching...