Recent content by SkullKnocker

  1. SkullKnocker

    Question Ryzen 7 2700x CPU USAGE Drops to 0.52 GHz While Gaming then back to normal FPS LOW TOO Read the last comment in here
  2. SkullKnocker

    Question Ryzen 7 2700x CPU USAGE Drops to 0.52 GHz While Gaming then back to normal FPS LOW TOO That's why i don't have them on XMP here are all my settings
  3. SkullKnocker

    Question Ryzen 7 2700x CPU USAGE Drops to 0.52 GHz While Gaming then back to normal FPS LOW TOO

    if you have read the entire thread, you've seen that i posted my video in the comments here, and in the video i showed gpu and cpu temperatures, look for yourself, and in the description i uploaded all my settings, nvidia control panel, POWER MANAGEMENT, etc.
  4. SkullKnocker

    Question Ryzen 7 2700x CPU USAGE Drops to 0.52 GHz While Gaming then back to normal FPS LOW TOO

    ssd and gpu are normal, gpu stays the same, cpu was 60% usage and gpu 10% or something like that
  5. SkullKnocker

    Question Ryzen 7 2700x CPU USAGE Drops to 0.52 GHz While Gaming then back to normal FPS LOW TOO

    Hi, so first I will tell you my specs: CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700X 3.7GHz box COOLER: Cooler Master Hyper 212 LED Turbo Black Cover GPU: ASUS GeForce RTX 3060 DUAL O12G LHR 12GB GDDR6 192-bit RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX Black 32GB DDR4 3200MHz CL16 Dual Channel Kit (But set at 2933 [with custom...