Recent content by skylandermcplus

  1. skylandermcplus

    Question Computer not displaying video output

    I looked a little closer this afternoon and realized my CPU LED on the EZ DEBUG area was lit up. Honestly I think it’s the CPU but it could be the socket. I’m going to RMA the CPU and if it’s the socket I might RMA that as well. If anyone thinks I’m wrong or has a solution I’d appreciate it. If...
  2. skylandermcplus

    Question Computer not displaying video output

    Honestly at this point I’m starting to think I fried my CPU, but that doesn’t make sense considering the voltage it was at was normal. My motherboard also has a white debug light and when looking through the manual I learned that can basically mean my CPU, RAM, or Boot device are undetected? The...
  3. skylandermcplus

    Question Computer not displaying video output

    Is it possible that a motherboard is dead when it lights up and all of that, the troubleshoot code even lights up to white on it. Which it did before all of this. It also powers the RGB for my keyboard still too? If so how can I check? How do I boot my entire PC in safe mode? Isn’t that...
  4. skylandermcplus

    Question Computer not displaying video output

    After overclocking my RAM and my Ryzen 2700 I’ve encountered an issue for the past three days, I cannot get video from my GPU or motherboard. I know the issue was caused by the overclock because at first when I had the issue a simple popping the CMOS battery in to reset the BIOS fixed the issue...
  5. skylandermcplus

    Is my computer compatible with a GeForce GTX 1050Ti?

    I know this thread is already answered, but just in case anyone else comes across it, what happened was I had to purchase the EVGA 1050 instead of the 1050ti because my power supply was not able to handle it.
  6. skylandermcplus

    Is my computer compatible with a GeForce GTX 1050Ti?

    Ello, I'm a large newbie to hardware, and I have a couple questions about my computer. I'm not sure if my computer can handle the 1050ti if you could let me know that'd be great! ■ Motherboard Manufacturer LENOVO Model SKYBAY (U3E1) Version SDK0J40700 WIN 3258054849920 Chipset Vendor...