Recent content by spicyrice901

  1. S

    Question No output.

    ha this is embarrassing but I fixed it. When i first got all the parts I had a friend of mine who built his own pc build it for me. While watching a tutorial video it turned out not only did my friend install the psu upside down, but he never bothered to plug in the cpu power cable! Im so sorry...
  2. S

    Question No output.

    Actually, its been hooked up to a tv the entire time, monitor doesn't get delivered for a few more days. Thanks for the suggestions though
  3. S

    Question No output.

    Yeah, its all the way in there, checked many times too.
  4. S

    Question No output.

    Yes it is, its connected at CPU Fan_1
  5. S

    Question No output.

    I have two 8 gig corsair ddr4 sticks every other port starting from the second port. Thanks for the link too, while I run down the mechanical steps I'm fully ready to accept the fact that dog hair shorted my PC out. the chassis fans are connected to the first and second chassis ports.
  6. S

    Question No output.

    I wish it was that kind of mistake but no, I had plugged it in the graphics card then actually interchanged it multiple times to make sure, furthermore I tested the cable on another pc. Sadly the cable worked fine. (HDMI btw
  7. S

    Question No output.

    After getting seriously desperate after three hours of installing, uninstalling, and reinstalling pieces of a gaming PC which I recently invested in (which means literally everything in this PC is brand new, bought separate, and practically out of the box) I'm confiding in you guys to help me...
  8. S

    [SOLVED] Why isnt my motherboard chassis fan ports working?

    First time pc builder here, recently bought a B450M Steel Legend motherboard and a NZXT H500 ATX Midtower case (both by recommendation). The first chassis fan port works just fine but the other two at the bottom of the motherboard dont seem to power the other fan. I have the cpu fan and the top...