Question No output.

Jul 19, 2019
After getting seriously desperate after three hours of installing, uninstalling, and reinstalling pieces of a gaming PC which I recently invested in (which means literally everything in this PC is brand new, bought separate, and practically out of the box) I'm confiding in you guys to help me fix the problem of there being no signal being put out to my monitor with everything fully plugged in, placed, and powered. Im currently using an AMD Ryzen 5 2600, a Nvidia GTX 1660-Ti, a Steel Legend B450M motherboard, a Gigabyte GP-P650B powersupply, and finally, a NZXT H500 Mid Tower case. It seems like everything is getting power between RGBs turning on and fans on the CPU and GPU whirring as well. Drivers havent been installed as I dont have an optical drive or a way to access USB without seeing a display. Ill take any suggestions at all.
(also, im new to building computers so feel free to call me out on any possible mistakes)
Most obvious question and this happens often, if it's as simple as not having the video cable connected to the correct port to the graphics card?
Motherboards can have video ports too and is sometimes mistaken for the port to use. Your cpu doesn't have integrated graphics so the motherboard video ports are inactive.

The 1660Ti's video ports are further down.
I wish it was that kind of mistake but no, I had plugged it in the graphics card then actually interchanged it multiple times to make sure, furthermore I tested the cable on another pc. Sadly the cable worked fine. (HDMI btw
Most obvious question and this happens often, if it's as simple as not having the video cable connected to the correct port to the graphics card?
Motherboards can have video ports too and is sometimes mistaken for the port to use. Your cpu doesn't have integrated graphics so the motherboard video ports are inactive.

The 1660Ti's video ports are further down.
Hehe. Sometimes i get those right.

Check steps here if you've missed anything.

What ram configuration do you have and where are they seated?

Which fan header is the hsf connected to?
Hehe. Sometimes i get those right.

Check steps here if you've missed anything.

What ram configuration do you have and where are they seated?

Which fan header is the hsf connected to?
I have two 8 gig corsair ddr4 sticks every other port starting from the second port. Thanks for the link too, while I run down the mechanical steps I'm fully ready to accept the fact that dog hair shorted my PC out. the chassis fans are connected to the first and second chassis ports.
Well it seems just about everything is where they're meant to be. Have you tested another display, perhaps a tv?That pretty much rules out the simple suggestions.

Check ram is fully seated and the notches lock into the sides.

If still no go, breadboard the system to rule out case and assemble parts on a wooden board. Check for bent cpu pins.
Well it seems just about everything is where they're meant to be. Have you tested another display, perhaps a tv?That pretty much rules out the simple suggestions.

Check ram is fully seated and the notches lock into the sides.

If still no go, breadboard the system to rule out case and assemble parts on a wooden board. Check for bent cpu pins.
Actually, its been hooked up to a tv the entire time, monitor doesn't get delivered for a few more days. Thanks for the suggestions though
Tv should still work, have you tried all hdmi ports?

Try spamming del button on keyboard for several seconds just as you turn the pc on. See if it enters bios. Possibly tv is taking awhile to display a picture and doesn't show post and having no os installed could sit on a blank screen.
Tv should still work, have you tried all hdmi ports?

Try spamming del button on keyboard for several seconds just as you turn the pc on. See if it enters bios. Possibly tv is taking awhile to display a picture and doesn't show post and having no os installed could sit on a blank screen.
ha this is embarrassing but I fixed it. When i first got all the parts I had a friend of mine who built his own pc build it for me. While watching a tutorial video it turned out not only did my friend install the psu upside down, but he never bothered to plug in the cpu power cable! Im so sorry to waste your time man but thanks so much anyways