Recent content by SputNikX

  1. SputNikX

    Question Fuzzy Display and Text

    Not dumb at all, i've overlooked things worse than this while troubleshooting things. I've come to realize that the monitor is not as modern as i thought, after looking up its specifications on the internet i learned that it can't do more than 1366 x 768 which is a deal breaker for me, i...
  2. SputNikX

    Question Fuzzy Display and Text

    Hey everyone, I have a nVidia GT 610 graphics card and recently got a hand-me-down display from my brother, the graphics card should support up to 2560 x 1600 and I had it working perfectly @ 1920 x 1080 LG display but after switching to the new monitor the screen items look very fuzzy and low...