Recent content by steins

  1. steins

    Question How to stop my mouse right clicking when dropped a tiny bit?

    When i drop my mouse a tiny bit it always right clicks. This also occurs when im gaming because i pick my mouse up and put it down to aim. View: example of it happening. my mouse is the endgame gear op1we
  2. steins

    Question Can i use 1x16gb corsair vengeance RAM with 2x8gb corsair vengeance?

    ryzen 7 5800x gigabyte b450m d3sh
  3. steins

    Question Can i use 1x16gb corsair vengeance RAM with 2x8gb corsair vengeance?

    Can i use 1x16gb corsair vengeance RAM with 2x8gb corsair vengeance?
  4. steins

    Question I bought a Cooler Master Hyper H410R RGB, its working fine but how do i use the rgb?

    bought a Cooler Master Hyper H410R RGB, its working fine but how do i use the rgb?