Recent content by Stergios_tsu

  1. S

    Ai Suite 3 slows down PC

    when I install the ai suite pc starts to act weird like not loading all the graphics becomes slower and unresponsive. in detail, I formatted my pc, installed windows and some drivers and everything was working fine. But when I installed the ai suite it became slower. After I uninstall the ai...
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    pc can't read HDD

    @Russel @ SuperSoph @rar Sorry for late reply and thank you all for your help. I tried to change SATA ports and SATA cable, tried to to connect to another pc both as internal and external drive but nothing worked. So I decided to return it back where I bought it and they replaced it with a...
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    pc can't read HDD

    when I tried to open the PC this screen showed up. this isnt the first time I heve this problem, but all the other times I just had to unplug and plug the SATA and powercable of the hdd and then the PC would operate fine. I tried to do it again but it didnt work. so can you help me find...
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    Tom's Hardware Giveaway - Final Fantasy VII!

    never played FF but I'd like to try new FF7 if it comes on PC
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    Tom's Hardware Giveaway - Ultra Street Fighter IV!

    mortal combat ...Haven't seen the others
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    Tom's Hardware Giveaway - Dishonored GOTY!

    i thought i could play FPS games with wireless keyboard and mouse...
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    Tom's Hardware Giveaway - Batman: Arkham Knight!

    Sequel Hype Train Month!
  8. S

    ASUS Z97-A vs H97-PRO vs H97-PRO gamer

    Which is the difference (except the OC) between these MOBOs? Which one is better suited for my build? Other parts: CPU : i5-4690 GPU : r9 290 RAM : G.Skill Ripjaws X 1866Mhz(1600Mhz for H97) PSU : EVGA Supernova 750 CASE : NZXT H440 This PC is intended for gaming and university work and my...
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    His r9 290 or Msi r9 280x or 4gb Gigabyte gtx 770 For Watch dogs

    I have the same dilemma with r9 280x gpu's. Have you considered the windforce edition from Gigabyte? From reviews I have seen that is the coolest one and comes second in noise after the ASUS.