Recent content by sukiiii

  1. sukiiii

    [SOLVED] Looking for high performance gaming laptop that support win 7 64bit

    It cost around 460$. You can actually play games on Quadro. View:
  2. sukiiii

    [SOLVED] Looking for high performance gaming laptop that support win 7 64bit

    well, i've looked everywhere and this is the best possible i can find on local store. Dell Precision M4600 Ci7 Spesification : Intel® Core™ i7-2720QM CPU - 2.2GHz Ram 8GB...
  3. sukiiii

    [SOLVED] Looking for high performance gaming laptop that support win 7 64bit

    Tbh i never tried order something from amazon, but i think its possible. cant you just tell me what type/ model of laptop you recommend? then i'll look it somewhere in local store near my place.
  4. sukiiii

    [SOLVED] Looking for high performance gaming laptop that support win 7 64bit

    yes ,i do have Windows 7 and i can install it myself. Hmm i've look everywhere too, it seems like my only options is to find used hardware. Thank you for taking your time btw!
  5. sukiiii

    [SOLVED] Looking for high performance gaming laptop that support win 7 64bit

    okay, since my goal to buy laptop is just to play this specific game (which is old) then maybe i can narrowed down the list a bit. I need this kind of spec i3 or i5 gen6 or below 8gb RAM GTX 750TI or 780 (its an old game i dont think i need high end GPU) 128gb SSD and of course support Windows 7.
  6. sukiiii

    [SOLVED] Looking for high performance gaming laptop that support win 7 64bit

    I live in Indonesia, i can buy on most local hardware store or online store if its really hard to find then i'll probably look for used one. It doesnt need to be high end though, as long as its support win7, fast and have good performance for gaming then its fine.
  7. sukiiii

    [SOLVED] Looking for high performance gaming laptop that support win 7 64bit

    FYI its not because i hated any other OS or something. The reason i need windows 7 is that there are an old game that doesnt fully compatible on windows 8 or above. You can play it on windows 10 but there are glitches in game which is quite annoying! And since its an old game i doubt the devs...
  8. sukiiii

    [SOLVED] Looking for high performance gaming laptop that support win 7 64bit

    I want to buy a gaming laptop that support win 7 64bit with high performance. Can you guys recommend me some of good laptop that still support windows 7 x64? my budget can go around $1000.