Recent content by superpants

  1. S

    Question Which Graphics is the best value for money with my current build?

    Hi, long time since my last post here! I have had the GTX 1070 for 7 years now and it's served me well, but it's time for a change - i recently upgraded my motherboard, cpu, psu, ram - basically everything except from the gpu. Oh, also i spilled hot chocolate in my pc which seemed to target my...
  2. S

    gtx 1070 gaming build advice needed

    thank you guys, could you reccomend any helpful videos or websites to help with the actual building? And what sort of equipment i will need to be able to complete the build? thanks
  3. S

    gtx 1070 gaming build advice needed

    I am completely new to building pcs, had a pretty shocking one for about 2 years now and have decided with the release of the gtx 1070 that i'd like to build my own based around that. I have an idea of a build sorted from asking around a bit, but would like any advice on swapping out parts...