Recent content by TechGuy45

  1. T

    [SOLVED] Windows 10 suddenly doesn't see Bluetooth adapter.

    Thank you so much! I tried the the driver someone linked in there and bluetooth was actually showing up in device manager. I had to disable it and re-enable it but its working now. Thanks again!
  2. T

    [SOLVED] Windows 10 suddenly doesn't see Bluetooth adapter.

    Yes I have. Sorry I forgot to mention this in my post.
  3. T

    [SOLVED] Windows 10 suddenly doesn't see Bluetooth adapter.

    So I recently built a compute and the motherboard I purchased came with a wifi/Bluetooth antenna and has worked great since day one. However, today I realized that Windows 10 states that Bluetooth is turned off. I've gone into device manager and it's not detecting any Bluetooth adapter. I've...
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    [SOLVED] When powered on, PC turns on and Immediately off.

    I have been doing a CPU overclock through AMD overdrive but this issue hasn't always been since I've overclocked so I do not think that is the issue. Also I have not done anything to my bios, so I am doubtful on that as well. Also it isn't really a boot loop. It is just when i press the power...
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    [SOLVED] When powered on, PC turns on and Immediately off.

    So this has been going on for quite a while but it hasn't been a real issue. When I first turn on PC on, it powers for about half a second and then shuts down. But when I press the power again it turns on alright and everything is fine after that. I am assuming this is an issue with the power...
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    What adhesives work best with mineral oil builds?

    So at my work we have a desktop inside a small tank made from what I'm pretty sure is plexiglass and is filled with mineral oil. We then have this inside of a larger fish tank to make it look like the fish are swimming around the PC. Its pretty sweet. However, long story short we had to take it...
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    Windows Server 2016: No bootable devices

    Alright, So me and some friends are putting together a computer that will run as our basic server for games and other media. So we've scrapped together some parts and made everything needed for the computer. I am currently a student and was able to get a copy of Windows Server 2016 for free. I...
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    i7 5700HQ stuck at 3.49GHz

    I have an MSI GE72 Apache Pro laptop and I ran HWMonitor and ive noticed that my cpu temps have hit high 80C and even when i set the gpu and cpu fans to 100%. I then noticed that my cpu is always running at 3.49GHz even though its stock clock is 2.7GHz. I use MSI Shift mode and the speed doesn't...
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    Can I upgrade the gpu in my MSI notebook?

    I recently got a new laptop for college and for gaming. So i got the MSI GE72 235 Apache Pro. It seemed to have good reviews for gaming and everything. However, i've found out that the only game that plays well on it is Garry's Mod. Everything else has a lot of input lag and really bad FPS...
  10. T

    FX-8320 core randomly spike to 4GHz. Why?

    Ok, so since I got my new processor, the fx-8320, my overall cpu temps have risen about 10-20 degrees C. My idle is anywhere between 16 degrees to 29 degrees. I found it odd that it would hit 30 and so i opened Core Temp just to make sure everything was running at what it should be. I OCed my...
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    Hard drive only has 300 gigs of 1tb left after windows 7 reinstallation! HELP!

    So, i just upgraded my motherboard and reinstalled windows. However, once it booted up, my hard drive says its already used over 600 gigs RIGHT after the windows 7 reinstallation. I used TreeSize and it says that there is only 14 gigs of stuff on my pc. What did I do wrong. Did i not allocate...
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    How to re-install Windows 7 if it is OEM?

    Ok, so I'm just about ready to swap my GA-78LMT-S2 with my new GA-970a-d3p. However, I have recently discovered that you cannot reinstall windows 7 if your recovery disc is OEM. Does this mean that I have to BUY windows 7? I have also heard that you can contact Microsoft if you have this...
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    If I stop a hard drive backup will I have to restart all over when I resume the backup?

    So, Im upgrading my motehrboard and I need to backup my hard drive. But it is taking MUCH longer than I anticipated. Its been 10 Hours and its only backed up about 200 gigs worth of stuff. It is currently about half way through my steam library and I forget to uninstall some games beforehand...
  14. T

    How to install new motherboard and reinstall Windows 7?

    So, i'm upgrading my motherboard because I found out that my current motherboard does not support my new cpu that I got for Christmas. I found out that upgrading a motherboard is a big pain in the butt and I was hoping that someone could give me a complete step by step process on how to install...
  15. T

    Do I have to re-install windows when upgrading my motherboard?

    So, I'm upgrading my motherboard from a Gigabyte 78LMT-s2 to a Gigabyte 970a-d3p. I've seen people say that if the mobos are made by the same company that you do not have to reinstall windows 7. Is this true? I really don't want to reinstall windows.