Recent content by thebilaljunejo

  1. T

    [SOLVED] Fixing my bad build

    Also this is what someone said about using my cpu with my mobo, this is why im so concerned, WHAT THEY SAID It's not the OC. It's the 1000HP cpu sitting in a go-kart frame. It'll be ok for the little stuff, hanging out in the driveway etc, might even jump on the gas once or twice for the fun...
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    [SOLVED] Fixing my bad build

    What is bios f2? I don’t see it. Maybe a screenshot please?
  3. T

    [SOLVED] Fixing my bad build

    Sorry, not what I’m asking. Let me clarify. My motherboard The gigabyte b365 ds3h, if I don’t intend to overclock my cpu and I run it with that mobo will it be fine? It supports 9th ten intel processors but someone else said it could damage my cpu by running it with the motherboard since it...
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    [SOLVED] Fixing my bad build

    Basically my builds mobo is not overclockable yet I have a i7-9700k, aside from the obvious no oc, is there anything bad about running a i7-9700k with my mobo? Please help!
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    [SOLVED] Fixing My Bad Build

    ah hell, alright i guess ill start with changing the motherboard then, it sounds worse then the psu, then next month or so ill change the psu if i really think i need to. which motherboard should i go for? i dont really want to spend too much money on it if possible, id like to keep it under...
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    [SOLVED] Fixing My Bad Build

    The thing is I'm extremely paranoid about just having a nonreliable part in my pc, I want to ensure all parts all reliable the go on upgrading from thereon. I just built the PC one month ago now and I haven't had any issues other than some defective ram that was replaced and some random crashes...
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    [SOLVED] Fixing My Bad Build

    Sorry one last thing haha 650w is basically future proofing my pc?
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    [SOLVED] Fixing My Bad Build

    Thank you so much and the one you linked has many different versions so are you specifically linking me the seasonic focus gx 650
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    [SOLVED] Fixing My Bad Build

    Thing is im in canada, so that wouldnt really work sadly. have a canadian link?
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    [SOLVED] Fixing My Bad Build

    This PC has already been built. Someone else built it for me and it has many bad components and I want to start fixing it. I want to start my replacing the PSU as many people have stated it isn't name brand and could be unreliable. I am looking to buy the Corsair RM 650x but dont know if thats...
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    [SOLVED] Looking to buy a reliable psu

    What if I went went the Rm 650x, would that be fine for my components and be compatible? It’s a fair price on amazon right now
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    [SOLVED] Looking to buy a reliable psu

    Will this work with my build? And is this enough watts for my build? Also are the connectors fine for my motherboard? Thanks man
  13. T

    [SOLVED] Looking to buy a reliable psu

    My build has a unreliable PSU and I am looking to upgrade it immediately. I have no idea how many watts to get or how many I need and what’s best since I got my pc built for me. Preferably id like it to be under $150 cad and on or I’ve been looking at the rm 550x...
  14. T

    [SOLVED] Friend who built my pc screwed me over

    alright man for sure then. thanks so much man take care
  15. T

    [SOLVED] Friend who built my pc screwed me over

    any recommendations for fixing the cooling system? new case? more fans? new cpu cooler? anything helps haha