Recent content by TheSwedishMrBlue

  1. TheSwedishMrBlue

    [SOLVED] 2060 Super Or RX 5700 XT (ASUS)

    Nice, I'll have a look. Thanks :)
  2. TheSwedishMrBlue

    [SOLVED] 2060 Super Or RX 5700 XT (ASUS)

    High settings, but in 1080p would be nice. What other options do you suggest? :)
  3. TheSwedishMrBlue

    [SOLVED] 2060 Super Or RX 5700 XT (ASUS)

    Right, so I did some research and the ASUS 5700XT has some serious cooling problems, which can cause crashes. Thanks for the heads up. So in theory 5700XT is better than 2060? Please note that I mean the ASUS versions of these cards. How much performance difference is it between the 2060 and the...
  4. TheSwedishMrBlue

    [SOLVED] 2060 Super Or RX 5700 XT (ASUS)

    Greetings. I am having a little problem deciding what GPU I should get next. ASUS preferably. I'm interested in the 2060 Super. But at the same time I'm a little interested in the RX 5700XT. I need a GPU that will keep up for a few years. Something that goes along well with my 2700x. My...
  5. TheSwedishMrBlue

    [SOLVED] Windows problems? Beep Beep

    Yeah, seems stable enough :) Thanks all for your help. If something happens, I guess I'll make a new thread, let us hope not :LOL:
  6. TheSwedishMrBlue

    [SOLVED] Windows problems? Beep Beep

    Grobe Temperatures are fine, I was worried about that at first so I changed thermal paste, CPU around 28c (Idle) and about 50-55c (Load), a perfect airflow was something I prioriticed. GPU around 30c (Idle) 60c (Load). I also manually set the CPU clock to 4GHz (Heard it is more stable system to...
  7. TheSwedishMrBlue

    [SOLVED] Windows problems? Beep Beep

    Update: I was very desperate, I know you shouldn't be using thirdparty "Windows cleaning softwares".. However, I installed Advanced Systemcare (Iobit). I scanned and fixed many stuff regarding the registry. I've been playing Ghost Recon Breakpoint about 4 hours, quit the game, and no issues...
  8. TheSwedishMrBlue

    [SOLVED] Windows problems? Beep Beep

    Grobe I've reinstalled 9 times already, Problem is still there. And sorry, try and see if you can watch the video now. Ralston18 Sorry about that, Is the video view-able now? I will try and do that. ZeroDollarBudget I upgraded PSU from CM 650 to Corsair RMx 750W. According to everyone else...
  9. TheSwedishMrBlue

    [SOLVED] Windows problems? Beep Beep

    Hello everyone. I am having some issues with Windows. When I play games, everything works great, but most of the time when the game is loading (like when I'm fast traveling) it loads infinitely. I force close the game and go back to Windows, everything is in "not responsing" state and I can't...
  10. TheSwedishMrBlue

    [SOLVED] New Build Makes Windows 10 Freeze/BSOD

    Thank you, enjoying every minute :)
  11. TheSwedishMrBlue

    [SOLVED] New Build Makes Windows 10 Freeze/BSOD

    Tried running games like Fallout 76 (Which loves CPU power) and no issues at all, with a peak temp of 38c. This is perfect! Thank you!
  12. TheSwedishMrBlue

    [SOLVED] New Build Makes Windows 10 Freeze/BSOD

    After the installation of the latest Windows 10 (USB) I've been running my system for about 40 Minutes now, no issues yet. Now I'll plug in my HDD and see if I can get some games running and hope for the best (Fingers crossed).
  13. TheSwedishMrBlue

    [SOLVED] New Build Makes Windows 10 Freeze/BSOD

    Interesting, so your windows also froze and was unresponsive? Hopefully the latest Windows will help with this issue, so it's not hardware related, I spent a lot of money on this setup now so I'm not hyped about throwing out more cash. Do you have the link to that Windows 10 program? I can't...
  14. TheSwedishMrBlue

    [SOLVED] New Build Makes Windows 10 Freeze/BSOD

    So no success yet. The temp goes up and down like a rollercoaster. Jumping from 29c to 45-50c when I'm on windows. When checking the temp in the bios it sits stable on 29-30c. Maybe I need to get the latest windows 10, download it on a USB drive and try it out? I have the old CD which is 1507 or...
  15. TheSwedishMrBlue

    [SOLVED] New Build Makes Windows 10 Freeze/BSOD

    I will try that and see if the system gets stable. Stock thermal paste is not that good nowadays. I wonder if that's what causes it. Max temp should be 85c before shutdown. Anyway I'll try and see, thanks!