Recent content by tiffxny

  1. tiffxny

    Question PC shutting off while gaming ?

    I played GTAV for multiple hours yesterday with 0 PC crashes. Changing the PSU seems to have done the trick. Thanks for all the replies, i appreciate it!
  2. tiffxny

    Question PC shutting off while gaming ?

    New PSU installed - going to game a bit and see how it goes.
  3. tiffxny

    Question PC shutting off while gaming ?

    The Windows Memory Diagnostic tested the computer's memory and detected no errors I did buy a new PSU it will be here tomorrow. I will see if that fixes.
  4. tiffxny

    Question PC shutting off while gaming ?

    Crashed 2 times in an hour. 💩
  5. tiffxny

    Question PC shutting off while gaming ?

    Yes, I will play a bit and check back in. Turns out my bios WAS out of date too so i got that taken care of. (Told SID it was UPD, sorry!!)
  6. tiffxny

    Question PC shutting off while gaming ?

    2 kits of 2 Chicago, IL, USA Also just changed the speed so now it is showing 1600 MHz in TM :D
  7. tiffxny

    Question PC shutting off while gaming ?

    3200MHz This is the one i bought. Also thank you for telling me because i was looking for ram and never would of...
  8. tiffxny

    Question PC shutting off while gaming ?

    Hmm, I dunno. The number i gave was already doubled. Here is a screenshot of where i got the speed. As far as location - Chicago, IL Budget around $100~ I'd like to have something I don't need to worry about again for a while. I'm rocking the rest of the build until it dies or i hit the lotto...
  9. tiffxny

    Question PC shutting off while gaming ?

    yes 1866 Do you have any suggestions on a better PSU? Mid to high tier!
  10. tiffxny

    Question PC shutting off while gaming ?

    My PC shuts down what seems like randomly while playing GTA V can you guys help me find a solution? I thought maybe the psu? My gpu runs the same temp on other games and doesnt shut down. PS : CPU temp while playing is 43 C° to 55 C° GPU temp while playing is about 70-75 C° CPU : Ryzen 5 2600...