Recent content by tony9498

  1. tony9498

    SSD broke with os on it, bought new one but how do i access my files and folders from HDD?

    so my kingston Hyper x 3k 120 gb broke a few days ago, i dont know how but i tried everything to see if it was still working but i came to a conclusion that it died. My kingston ssd had my os and a few other files such as games and programs which i dont mind redownloading when i got another...
  2. tony9498

    SAPPHIRE TRI-X OC r9 290 low fps on BF3, Far Cry 3, Team Fortress 2 ETC.?

    i noticed that while plying anygame even if i get low fps i notice that my vcore 1 temps get really hot sometimes around 71*C and that make my cpu temps to go up. i checked to make sure that the temps werent the one that were giving me low fps so i monitored themm while playing so i noticed...