SAPPHIRE TRI-X OC r9 290 low fps on BF3, Far Cry 3, Team Fortress 2 ETC.?


Sep 4, 2013
i just bought the SAPPHIRE TRI-X OC r9 290 to replace my hd7970 after i noticed i had low fps while playing some games, when i installed my video card i played battlefield and i noticed i was getting around the same fps or sometimes it went down even lower sometime. i have all the latest drivers for the gpu. i also updated the bios to the latest one but same thing no fix.
When playing any game but especially bf3 i get random fram drop but not constantly but almost all the time my fps are 39-60 and sometimes drops to below 20 or if i am lucky it goes to 120+ in some ares of the map.this problem also happens in far cry 3 and team fortress 2 with low fps and i have seen people with the eact setting and components and they are getting a stable 80+ fps

system spec:
AMD fx 8350
asus sabertooth 990fx r2.0
corsair 2 sticks of 4 gb ram (8gb in total)
kingston ssd hyper 3x with windows 8.1 installed on it
regular asus dvd drive
seagate 1 tb hdd
rosewell 700 hive psu

i have the same cpu and same sapphire graphics card. i had below average fps on guild wars 2. currently downloading max payne 3, tomb raider 2014 and far cry 3 on steam to make further fps tests when im at home again on thursday,

i have no idea why im getting that low fps though so any help would be appreciated

I recently updated bios but still same fps
i might now the solution for my problem!

As i got a completely new pc and was a bit in a hurry when setting up windows etc i forgot to install the amd chipset drivers.

i will come home later tonight and test this and report back if this was the problem. Maybe something similar happened to you?

I already updated the amd chipset drivers but still same problem
amd chipset driver were the solution for the fps for me. but i still need to rma my card because i get conctant blackscreens. tried: no driver, 13.2, 14.4 and 14.4 beta. all the same.

tried underclocking memory clockspeed. gaming works fine mostly, but during windows work/browsing i get constant black screens, sometimes even before i can log in =(

if u dont mind can u send me tje link to tje download to see if its the same one i downloaded.

i noticed that while plying anygame even if i get low fps i notice that my vcore 1 temps get really hot sometimes around 71*C and that make my cpu temps to go up. i checked to make sure that the temps werent the one that were giving me low fps so i monitored themm while playing so i noticed the temperature dont go up till like 10 min into the game and my fps is low from the start so the temps have nothing to do with me getting low fps but now i have 2 problems low fps and overheating vcore 1 which causes my cpu to heat up even if i have good airflow in my pc.

Guess what, me and my friend are fighting the same battle. I got Tri-X too, he has Powercolor's PCS+ 290. See my specs in my signature.
I've tried:
-Reinstalling all chipsets, MOBOs, and graphics driver with DDU many times, 14.4 seems to be the fastest.
-Updating BIOS
-Temps are good, CPU never over 57C, GPU never over 74C
-CPU and GPU hold their clocks, but GPU usage drops as FPS drops. Might be the issue?
-all parts in my rig run fine, so its definately software side or there's a bottleneck somewhere (I think CPU?)
-I even OC'd to 4.5ghz, and I saw like 1fps improvement, so how could it be a bottleneck issue?
-Reinstalling windows 8.1... still no greater performance...

I benchmark correctly in benchmarks, yet games like Crysis 2 and BF4 are just underperforming a ton...

yo i did everything you did also same problem. i have a question do u have the same processor because i thing it the cpu i want to get a intel i5 but dont know if i should i really dont know what to do at this stage

Yep 8350... but people still tell me over and over that 8350 should be fine...

i have been doing research and everyone that has this problem has the exact same cpu and gpu i called asus about my vcore and how it gets hot they said it could be my psu or some bios setting i have a 750 w psu this is my second psu since the other one i had i sold and its the same problem and i told them about the low fps incase they knew something they said its my gpu or cpu but they said to contact the manufactures but i am stuck right now. it sucks since all i wantd to do is game with my friends and i cant since some games r unplayable and i wasted over $1600+ so far .

Let me throw a few suggestions out. Please run 3dmark and tell me the scores of the 3 tests.
Plz check ur bios and see that it is detecting all 8 gigabytes memory, and that ur bios does indeed say dual channel. It sounds to me like its in single channel.

Download a program called furmark and run it in max rez for a few mins and see if ur gpu artifacts.
It might be that all you need is a windows format.

As for me, I still achieve a good 7896 in Firestrike in 3Dmark (newest one) and I get 50.1fps in Heaven with all extreme set, 61.7fps with the default extreme preset. 54.8fps in Unigine Valley Extreme HD, and the latest Elemental demo, I got about 30-45fps, just like this guy:
and his PC seems to run fine according to his other videos...

you give me your skype? so i can tall with you i need some help 😀

You ever find a solution? the problem still occurs for me in BF3, BF4, and BFH MP on DX11 only...


I have the same model (Sapphire Tri X r290) and very similar problems (huge/regular frametime/low fps spikes). I'm also getting 0xa0000001 and atikdag.sys BSODs with some versions of the CCC (see notes below). This is my first AMD card in about twelve years and I'm really disappointed so far. I've tried everything I can think of and if anyone knows how to fix this then please please help.

Main Issues:

Spikes in frametimes (low fps spikes) which brings overall benchmarks in Heaven/Valley/FarCry 3 etc really low. For example, in FC3 I'm getting in FPS average in the 30s and I'm only running at 1080p. In Unigen's benchmarks I get lows sometimes under 10fps even though most of the time it's high. I've checked out official benchmarks for my card and my performance is severely under par. Even with the exact same benchmark versions and CCC drivers I'm getting way lower fps. This card is meant to be for 4k gaming and yet it's not even performing good enough for 1080p (the monitor I have). My girlfriend even tried playing old games like the Sims 3 and it's really laggy.

AfterBurner logs:

Heaven Benchmarks

CCC 13.11 beta 9.5

CCC 14.6

Valley Benchmarks

CCC 14.4

CCC 14.6

MiniDump Crash Report


AMD Sapphire Tri X r290 4GB
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.7GHz
Memory: 18432MB RAM
Available OS Memory: 18424MB RAM
Page File: 7470MB used, 31432MB available
Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS (windows 8.1)
DirectX Version: DirectX 11

CCC installs/drivers, my notes:

*14.6 beta rc2
-This has BSOD with atapiati errors (AMD process)
-It has some WD optimisations

-I was running this (went back to it due to BSOD) Found in FC3 it was giving me only 30fps
-Tried benchmarking on both this 14.6rc2 and dropped back to 13.11 all had no impact on FC3.
-Check benchmarks
- Sound errors .. doesn't see any sound for amd hdtv 14.6 has updates to the hdmi audio driver and the audio driver will now go back up and see if I can put up with the BSODs (so long as the audio is ok )
-Another bsod due to atikmdag.sys (03/08/14)

-no improvement in FC3
-this driver was used in benchmarking review of my gpu
-my benchmarks dont match up


To install drivers I've tried using CCC's full/clean remover (in Safe Mode) as well as DDU. I don't think the issue is to do with left over files. I've even repeated this process several times and one of the last times ran Driver Fusion to make double sure nothing was left over.

I attempted to find all the chipset drivers I could. My mobo maker Asus doesn't have any drivers for Windows 8.1 (for the P6T Deluxe V2). I went to Intel and downloaded what I thought are the right drivers. I also bought a premium version of Driver Fusion since it claimed to find chipset drivers that were missing. Once bought, it installed those drivers but nothing's improved.

That's not good at all... you should be getting 10-11k in Firestrike with these specs.

I got 10k with my stock I7-4770 at 3.4GHZ and 290X and 290 are nearly the same really, while your CPU is superior, you should at least have 10k like me.

Here's my R9 290 Tri-X with 4790k stock and OC'd:
It was at 7896 becasue the 8350 was a bottleneck... a big one...
10.7k with just a 290? seems great to me. I still run =mine stock 1000/1300 daily usage though.

Your cpu is a bit weak by 2014 standards, perhaps it bottlenecks certain games. Another thing I see is that your ram amount is unusual, 18GB? What's your stick configuration? I always use identical pairs of ram sticks, otherwise there could be problems with ram memory management.
You don't need 18GB of ram, I mean, 16GB is already too much, just use matching sets of sticks until you get 8GB+.
Another important thing is your mobo. If it's an old mobo, maybe it doesn't have PCIe 2.0 (let alone 3.0 or 4.0) slots. Also you should make sure your R9 290 is connected to a 16x slot. The chipset is also important, if it's an old chipset, perhaps it won't work great with new gpus. Another thing to check is the psu. The R9 290 is a power-hungry card, you'll need a 750W psu capable of feeding two pci-e 8pin connectors (each one can draw up to 150W if I remember correctly.). If your psu is weaker than that, then your R9 290 will be underpowered and your psu will suffer pointlessly.

I would try a different gpu, a different psu, a different combination of ram sticks (use only matching sets) a different cpu a different mobo and try installing Windows 7 instead. Not in that order necessarily.

Hi yeah I think it's probably a CPU issue. I overclocked to 3.4GHz and got better benchmarks. I have 18GB because I'm a 3D Artist professionally and yes I actually do use most of that RAM (but only on specific occassions). I agree it's a filthy amount :)

Regarding the arrangement I also buy in pairs and use the colour coordinated mobo slots / manual for reference. I also ran some mem tests and found no issues. Thanks for your reply though. I was surprised that the CPU OC gave a bump in some of my benchmarks even though the CPU 'appeared' to have not been previously taxed (circa 70-90%). I guess some issues aren't picked up by the CPU graphs

I've also heard that my CPU chipset (Intel i7 920) has compatibility issues with the r290 (perhaps responsible for some of the black screens / lockups). Haven't had a black screen in a while though (on latest drivers as I'm playing AC Unity). Frame rate dies in Arno's home (base) around it's cafe etc but I am playing with everything up max and 1080p with FXAA