Recent content by toymachinary

  1. T

    Question 3200 Speed RAM running at 1064.1

    I have G.SKILL Ripjaws V Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4 SDRAM DDR4 3200 RAM and CPU-Z shows it running at 1064.1. I understand that it is DDR (double data rate) but I thought it would run at 1600 (half). Is my RAM running correctly?
  2. T

    Can't enter bios after transferring PC to a new case with new GPU

    I updated the bios and it works fine now.
  3. T

    Can't enter bios after transferring PC to a new case with new GPU

    I recently purchased a GTX 1070 and then realized it was too big for my case. I took apart my PC and reinstalled it in a new case with the GTX 1070 plugged in. When I power on - the monitor shows my motherboard's (gigabyte z77 ds3h) main screen but when I hit "delete" it does not enter bios. I...