Recent content by Tylerchang

  1. T

    [SOLVED] Got a new modular PSU, forgot to swap SATA power cables - HDD dead. now i need to remove the pcb?

    finally, I'm proud to say the ambiguity of this situation has been lifted:) thanks fzabkar and his extremely helpful pictures of fuse and diode placement, my tvs diodes were fine but my 5-volt fuse was blown. purchased a soldering kit and put a bead across where I removed the fuse and my hhd...
  2. T

    [SOLVED] Got a new modular PSU, forgot to swap SATA power cables - HDD dead. now i need to remove the pcb?

    Lessons have been learned! Going to take my data storage much more seriously now, and try to spread the word that psu cables are not standardized.
  3. T

    [SOLVED] Got a new modular PSU, forgot to swap SATA power cables - HDD dead. now i need to remove the pcb?

    Your a life saver!!!!!! getting 1.3 ohms from my 12 volt fuse and no reading from my 5 volt fuse! So I will put some thing there to bridge it and can I just run the pcb without eather of the TBS diodes to transfer the data.
  4. T

    [SOLVED] Got a new modular PSU, forgot to swap SATA power cables - HDD dead. now i need to remove the pcb?

    now that they are off the board, both of those diodes give me no reading in ohms... making me think eather they were actually fuzes that are blown, or i riped off something that wasnt a tvs diode?
  5. T

    [SOLVED] Got a new modular PSU, forgot to swap SATA power cables - HDD dead. now i need to remove the pcb? As you can see I have ripped both the tvs diodes off. Still the drive dose not spin up
  6. T

    [SOLVED] Got a new modular PSU, forgot to swap SATA power cables - HDD dead. now i need to remove the pcb?

    thank you fzabkar for all your posts in litteraly every forum about hard drive pcbs. due to my tvs diods not being shorted. im guessing another part of my pcb has clocked out. ive seen in another post you say wd over volt protection is a joke. big sad for me. because i think it has failed me...
  7. T

    [SOLVED] Got a new modular PSU, forgot to swap SATA power cables - HDD dead. now i need to remove the pcb?

    well, now I've looked into it more, and I don't think any of my TVS diodes are shorted... so that's weird. kinda scary because if none of them shorted, then the power must've gone straight into the pcb. but I am getting readings off them, for example, I get no reading one way, (1 .) and the...
  8. T

    [SOLVED] Got a new modular PSU, forgot to swap SATA power cables - HDD dead. now i need to remove the pcb?

    im not getting a short from the 12 volt i think. so im guessing im shorted on the 5 volt?
  9. T

    [SOLVED] Got a new modular PSU, forgot to swap SATA power cables - HDD dead. now i need to remove the pcb?

    now that ive gotten a multi meater to the thing, should i just remove both 5v and 12v tvs diodes?
  10. T

    [SOLVED] Need Help Identify TVS Diodes & How To Test

    would i go about removing both tvs diodes?
  11. T

    [SOLVED] Got a new modular PSU, forgot to swap SATA power cables - HDD dead. now i need to remove the pcb?

    now I'm looking for help with the next step, I've seen on another post that a fuze was broken, and after the fuze was connected the drive worked. my drive is a WD hard drive WD20EZAZ and I haven't taken it apart yet, I've looked at the PCB online and don't know if there is any fuze. thanks for...
  12. T

    Question SOLVED - Got a new modular PSU, forgot to swap SATA power cables - HDD dead. Possible fix?

    Welllllllll, I've done the same thing😭😭😭 one ssd survived but I had 2 x 1 tb ssd and 1 2tb hhd wb blue I'm guessing I'm gunna have to look at these fuses