Recent content by TyrOd

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    WD elements 10b8 recovery?

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    Help Identify HDD Fault

  3. T

    Disk recovery 5 months later

  4. T

    Has My External Hard Drive Officially Crashed (+Symptoms)? Possible Data Recovery?

    Unless it's purely a coincidence that your drive, which has been dropped several times, is now experiencing symptoms of mechanical failure(clicking), then there is nothing you can do to recover the data and the longer you have it on and attempt to power cycle it the more damage you will cause...
  5. T

    RAID 10 - 2 disks left array - recovery help please

    Well it's normal to have a RAID0 left when 2 drives leave a RAID 0+1 array. That just means you've lost the +1 part of the array. Of course the safe way forward would be to make images/clones of the members in RAID0 and manually merge the array to recover the data using r-studio or RAID...
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    120gb WD Passport Data Recovery

  7. T

    Seagate Hdd short circuited PCB

  8. T

    Is it posible?

    Just doing a reformat doesn't necessarily overwrite the boot sector data, where a virus can reside, so yes it's definitely possible for a virus to survive any kind of format. It won't survive a secure erase though. Obviously restoring from infected backups is a possibility as well and more...