Recent content by User33443434

  1. User33443434

    Question Some games feel choppy despite having High FPS. (Some Games stutter) ?

    Hey Guys! Here are my Specs: Ryzen 5 3500x Gigabyte Windforce GTX 1650 Super OC (472.12) 16GB 3200Mhz RAM 750 SQ White PSU 165Hz Viewsonic Monitor (not G-Sync Compatible) Some of My Games Feel Incredibly delayed and laggy despite having high fps and having the settings set to low. Games...
  2. User33443434

    Question Why am i getting Lag Spikes?

    My Temps are Alright Both GPU and CPU but yeah, my cpu is stuck at 3,49GHz at both idle and while benchmarking/gaming. I use the ryzen High Performance Power Plan. Does that have anything to do with it? It is a PSU Called SQ White 700 Watts. I solved the Problem with the CPU not boosting. Í...
  3. User33443434

    Question Why am i getting Lag Spikes?

    Hey Guys! So i have been having issues with my Framerate to be stable without having a immense FPS lag spike every 2-3 seconds. The Issue Occurs in Games Like Fortnite, CS GO and Valorant and is incredibly Annoying. Specs: - Gigabyte GTX 1650 Super Windforce OC - Ryzen 5 3500x - 16 GB...