Recent content by VenB

  1. VenB

    Question Risks when using a Lower Voltage but Higher Amperage charger ?

    I have an HP 15-ba009dx laptop that takes in 19v and 2.31 amps. I also have an adapter with 15v and 5 amps, what would happen to the laptop if I used this ?
  2. VenB

    Question PCIe slots stopped working

    Unfortunately I don't have any spare PSUs around, although I did notice something, while I was posting this, the old PCU standard also gave out, it was just used for an external power for my 5w speakers and a webcam. I noticed that the mics are working properly. However, upon trying to view the...
  3. VenB

    Question PCIe slots stopped working

    my PSU is a Fortress 700w that came with this pc when I bought this (from a computer cafe at the start of online classes) I have 3 drives, 1 SSD and 2 HDDs, I've listed the maker and capacity abot but I don't know the model of this drives. Reliability History reports Windows was not properly...
  4. VenB

    Question PCIe slots stopped working

    So while I was watching a video and also downloading something for a game, my display just suddenly white screened? It looked static and a small squared static was also now my cursor. I forced shutdown and restarted my pc only to find it not posting and not beeping anything, after removing the...
  5. VenB

    Question What parts of the motherboard produces the most heat ?

    Yeah that's it, Something popped in to my head and kept on lingering.
  6. VenB

    Question How to deal with an old graphics card?

    Welp I strapped on 2 6x6cm fans on the gpu with a couple of rubber hair bands and I'm gett consistent temps below 70 on furmark atleast for now.
  7. VenB

    Question How to deal with an old graphics card?

    I saw it reach 95°c when defaults is applied. And so uh quick question, I use Radeon software to modify the performance of the card, if you were to increase power control, what would happen?
  8. VenB

    Question How to deal with an old graphics card?

    A An entry level for 2022 is like 2 months worth of food for me.
  9. VenB

    Question How to deal with an old graphics card?

    Maybe it is time to get a new gpu, sigh.. but even old cards are expensive on my area so that's why I'm trying to squize every ounce of Performance on this thing
  10. VenB

    Question How to deal with an old graphics card?

    I know that the usual cleaning of the card helps in temps but overheating on my radeon r7 240 is such a problem to my valorant sessions. I tried changing the thermal paste multiple times and a thermal paste that came with my cpu seems to help. The solution has been underclocking core and memory...
  11. VenB

    [SOLVED] Wireless lan cannot communicate with wired lan

    Hi sorry for ignoring this thread, ap isolation was enabled for PLDT Fibr on default now. subscribers of pldt fibr must call 171 to their technical help desk to request ap isolation to be disabled.
  12. VenB

    [SOLVED] System instability when GPU Memory is overclocked

    Overclocking anything causes system instability, I know that but, does too much overclocking causes sudden shutdowns even in bios? Just right now, I set my radeon r7 240's maximum gpu core clock to 780mhz and memory to 800mhz which is the rated speeds. I set the memory 900mhz, while gaming...
  13. VenB

    [SOLVED] Ethernet card causing sudden shutdowns

    Hello it seems I have found the fix. It seems like the same issue with this person. Sighh anyway thanks for trying. I had to disable c6 mode
  14. VenB

    [SOLVED] Wireless lan cannot communicate with wired lan

    Other than an already going issue with my ethernet card, my pc is connected with using the onboard ethernet board. My problem is it cannot communicate with anything on wireless connection. My pc has an smb and upnp server setup but wireless connections cannot see it. I need help how to...
  15. VenB

    [SOLVED] Ethernet card causing sudden shutdowns

    Ok theres finally power here this is from realiability viewer. Description A problem with your hardware caused Windows to stop working correctly. Problem signature Problem Event Name: LiveKernelEvent Code: 1a8 Parameter 1: 1 Parameter 2: 0 Parameter 3: 0 Parameter 4: 0 OS...