Recent content by Vergilangleos

  1. Vergilangleos

    Question No bios , no debug led

    Yes i removed that too
  2. Vergilangleos

    Question No bios , no debug led

    Hello everyone Today my i changed my storage device in my system and after its all black screen . Main logo doesnt show , i cant use bios , all fans and keyboard are on. At first storage debug led was on , after disconnecting all storage and cables nothing changed , after pluging them back ...
  3. Vergilangleos

    [SOLVED] Cpu problem after changing ram

    Thanks everyone for your quick replies Problem solved.. I thought removing battery will reset the mainboard settings but turns out i should only reset it with its own pins on board , after that system turned on with new rams , i still dont know why cpu debug led was turned on not ram , at least...
  4. Vergilangleos

    [SOLVED] Cpu problem after changing ram

    I checked it now , its fine I find out this is a common problem after changing rams but couldnt find any solution , its wierd
  5. Vergilangleos

    [SOLVED] Cpu problem after changing ram

    I did that but no luck , ram debug led is off all the time .. Only cpu in on
  6. Vergilangleos

    [SOLVED] Cpu problem after changing ram

    Yes all fans are good , and system stays on but nothing happens
  7. Vergilangleos

    [SOLVED] Cpu problem after changing ram

    It was unplugged
  8. Vergilangleos

    [SOLVED] Cpu problem after changing ram

    Hello everyone Today i decided to upgrade my pc 8gb ram to 16gb , but after installing new sticks , system does not boot to bios , icant hear any beeps anymore , after trying and reseatching many things i cant understand what is going on . Things that i tried : Insert on stick at a time.. No...
  9. Vergilangleos

    Does this graph suggests a bottleneck in my PC

    nope eveything normal 100% gpu and 80%cpu is normal and very good
  10. Vergilangleos

    Intel® Core™ i7 7820X (good for gaming or not)

    in gaming gpu is more impotant thats why i recommend wait a few weeks and get nvidia rtx series , gtx1000 wont supprt ray tracing in games in cpu intensive workloads cpu is more important thats why intel 9th gen will be superior to 7820x and also will cost less
  11. Vergilangleos

    Intel® Core™ i7 7820X (good for gaming or not)

    if you want build a new pc , both nvidia and intel new flagships will come out soon , wait and grab those
  12. Vergilangleos

    will i3-8100 bottleneck gtx 980 ??

    no it wont , i3 8100 is a good pair for that gpu gtx 980 is still a good 1080p card but buying it depends on its price and warranty