Recent content by Willem

  1. W


    Hi it is a TAIWAN REGULAR ELECTRONICS CO, LTD. Sightcam PC-100 The website url is I hope you can download the driver there if you still have problems let me know i can make a iso from the driver cd Willem.
  2. W

    No way out

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Done it long ago, but the most easy way for me was to snatch the green empty Dasia civil car in Provins. Drive out of Provins not south-bound, but easterly bound. At coordinates Fb58 take the dirt-road back to the west. Step out...
  3. W

    Advice needed for a mission

    Archived from groups: (More info?) A famous mission within the CWC campaign. There is no real first evacuation site. It just exists in your communications with papa_bear to create the right atmosphere. So relax and aim at the second evacuation site. The easy way...
  4. W

    CoC mission probs

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Yes, this is a known issue with this mission. You have to conquer the Nogovan town of Lipany and that is not easy. A 'retry' or 'save' brings you to the desktop. I don't know what causes this problem, but it is one of the rare...
  5. W

    Quest Question

    Archived from groups: (More info?) The new quest system does not give you the location of the quest-giver in the quest log. The entry became too long and too cluttered: Gaishan Longbeard from Gadgetstan tells you to deliver a message to Archrival Smallbeard in...
  6. W

    [Z274B] Stormbringer knock-out Hell

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Yes, you can detect The Stormbringer with telepathy. Willem.
  7. W

    browser hijacking

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.newusers (More info?) Hi Patti I am a new user. What is a Microsoft MVP - Windows Shell/User willem "Patti MacLeod" wrote: > Hi repo548, > > Have a look at the information provided here: > THE PARASITE FIGHT >
  8. W

    Serial device results in bouncing cursor

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?) Although I added the /fastdetect in my boot.ini file I have still a bouncing cursor after starting my computer when it is connected to my GPS via a RS232 to usb converter.
  9. W

    Company Name Quiz

    Archived from groups: rec.puzzles, (More info?) David wrote: ) "Ted S." <fedya@bestweb.spam> writes: )> )> Mitsubishi themselves had an ad campaign in the late 80s here in the US )> with the tag line, "Mitusbishi. The name means 'three diamonds'." ) ) I'm not doubting that...
  10. W

    startupm problems

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.newusers (More info?) I have got a harddisk and it doesn't start up. the error is :Registry_error .. code: 0x000000051(0x00000003, 0x00000003, 0x00000000, 0xE1112000). I tried to look for data on the drive by setting him to secondary harddrive...
  11. W

    4kb in bad sectors on (new) Toshiba MK4019GAX 40gb HDD

    Archived from groups: (More info?) > So, you bought a sick HD on eBay, and now you expect Toshiba to give > you a replacement? The seller may be liable, but Toshiba sure isn't. Thanks for the response Bob. A CSR from Toshiba HQ told me I would be able to...
  12. W

    4kb in bad sectors on (new) Toshiba MK4019GAX 40gb HDD

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Hello, The past week has been very frustrating. I had been experiencing problems with what looked like a Sasser infection, and eventually decided to re-format the Toshiba drive I purchased around 3 months ago. Hated to do it...