Recent content by xboxlivefree12205

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    [SOLVED] Windows 10 Keeps Having Random Issues

    Ok so i do wanna apologize if im doing this in the wrong forum but im really hoping to get some answers for this. So lately my windows 10 has been acting weird with issues and what i mean is one minute my windows loads and my pc runs perfectly and the next my windows with either A) Not load at...
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    [SOLVED] Can A Corsair H60 Liquid Cooler Cool A i7 6700k

    i wanna upgrade my pc parts this holidays and i wanna get a I7 6700K but will my Corsair H60 Liquid Cooler be good enough to cool it and if it can cool it how long would it last for? btw im not looking to overclock at all. If someone can just give me a quick simple answer that would be awesome...