Recent content by XCore420

  1. X

    [SOLVED] Need a new internet solution for gaming/streaming

    Yes, there is a COAX cable plugged into both the router and the TV receiver. There actually is a COAX port in my room.
  2. X

    [SOLVED] Need a new internet solution for gaming/streaming

    I do have cable television, but not with Xfinity. Xfinity only provides the router. It does have this long cord connected to the wall, which is routed outside my home to a box, unsure what that is.
  3. X

    [SOLVED] Need a new internet solution for gaming/streaming Would this one be an okay choice? I think my wifi speed is close to...
  4. X

    [SOLVED] Need a new internet solution for gaming/streaming

    Hello, I was looking to upgrade my internet setup. I currently use a Wifi Extender, a netgear ac1200 ex6100 wifi extender. It does the trick for simple things, however it's not great when it comes to gaming and streaming at the same time. I have an xfinity router a couple rooms away and i'm...
  5. X

    [SOLVED] Adding an SSD to Prebuilt

    Hello, I Was looking to add a 250GB ssd to my Girlfriend's Cyberpower Prebuilt. Is there a way to ensure that I can just make the SSD a boot drive and have the harddrive as extra storage without deleting it's current files? I want to make sure before installation. She doesn't want to lose...