Recent content by xxxlun4icexxx

  1. xxxlun4icexxx

    [SOLVED] 3 basic overclocking questions for a newb

    I honestly think you'll be more bottle necked by your gpu before a 9900k, really wouldn't worry about it. I have a 3440x1440 120hz monitor and my 9900k is great. I fooled around trying to oc it just for the heck of it but it was just more trouble than it's worth. It's already a workhorse. You...
  2. xxxlun4icexxx

    [SOLVED] 3 basic overclocking questions for a newb

    #1. It depends. If you set a static frequency yes it will run at your indicated speed. But there are options in the motherboard where you just set the max freq so it will down-clock while not under load. #2 Yes, it's been a while since I've done it but I'm pretty sure on most boards you leave...
  3. xxxlun4icexxx

    [SOLVED] 8700K versus 9900K

    I don't know why someone straight out posted a lie "Intel is only good for gaming". That's not true at all. To me the 140.00 is worth it. If you aren't planning on OCing you also don't have to spend an arm and a leg on a premium motherboard and cooler. Can take these results for what they're...
  4. xxxlun4icexxx

    Question RTX 2080 TI Manufacturers Confidence Issues.

    No sag, it has a solid backplate. It is incredibly long as well.
  5. xxxlun4icexxx

    Question RTX 2080 TI Manufacturers Confidence Issues.

    I bought a zotac 2080ti on launch. It's the triple fan version. The packaging was great, build quality is solid, and I have no complaints. I have a spacious case which may help but the card never goes above 65C under full load. Extremely satisfied with it as when the 2080ti launched there were...
  6. xxxlun4icexxx

    Question CPU for 4k60 and VR

    No problem. Hope everything works out. :)
  7. xxxlun4icexxx

    Question CPU for 4k60 and VR

    The valve index? I'm not familiar with it. A quick search I see it has the same resolution as the vive pro but a much higher refresh rate. I'd check the reviews. Maybe that's your best bet.
  8. xxxlun4icexxx

    Question CPU for 4k60 and VR

    I'd wait on a headset right now. They're getting better, but aren't "quite" there yet. I have an oculus cv1, and even though i love it, you can tell they have a ways to go. I'd give it maybe another year and see whats out. I think the best all around one currently out is the vive pro. Bumped up...
  9. xxxlun4icexxx

    Question CPU for 4k60 and VR

    Those are 2 opposite spectrums. the former task doesn't require much cpu horsepower. But once you get into VR headsets, you're going to need some cpu power, most likely higher than an undervolted i5. You need to push high refresh rates for VR. If you have the money I'd just opt for a powerful...
  10. xxxlun4icexxx

    [SOLVED] Building my first PC and I need help deciding which MOBO I should pair with an i7 9700k

    I have the taichi ultimate (there's not much difference between the 2) and I really like it. That'd be my pick. They generally seem to be solid boards.
  11. xxxlun4icexxx

    Review AMD Ryzen 9 3900X and Ryzen 7 3700X Review: Zen 2 and 7nm Unleashed

    I don't have any official benchmarks to quote as i'm mobile but depending on your resolution + encoding preferences it will bring an 8-core to it's knees. I've tried streaming on 3 different cpus, the 7800x, the 9600k, and the 9900k. Those are the only ones I can offer insight into. I generally...
  12. xxxlun4icexxx

    Review AMD Ryzen 9 3900X and Ryzen 7 3700X Review: Zen 2 and 7nm Unleashed

    That's actually incorrect. More and more people now are twitch streaming. Almost everyone who I know that games has a twitch and attempts to stream. Guess what their limiting factor is going to be? =p. CPU power for gaming is relevant now more than ever due to this. You ever try gaming and...
  13. xxxlun4icexxx

    Question i7 9800k or i9 9900k?

    Since you mentioned streaming I'd go with the 9900k. The 9700k isn't hyperthreaded which is a substantial hit when you're streaming games. Depending on what games/what resolution you decide to stream at, you can get away with a 9700k. I tried playing modern games and streaming with the 9600k. It...
  14. xxxlun4icexxx

    Question Motherboard and ram gap

    What is your motherboard model and what is the memory model?
  15. xxxlun4icexxx

    Review Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 Ti 6GB Review: Turing Without The RTX

    It's selling point is a budget 1440p card. Benchmarks look pretty good and it comes with about 30% increased performance over a 580 in most games, with about 30% less power consumption. I'm sure a bundle with games will be out soon enough, as well as the 580 price drop is most likely in response...