Recent content by Ylaana

  1. Y

    PSU tier list 2.0

    Her ;) The problem is though that neither the HX nor the AX series now offer a 650W version (hence my question). With the RM being the next best thing, does it matter much whether it's an RMi or RMx? I'm also slightly worried that CWT makes both the RM and the CXM units, with the latter ending...
  2. Y

    AX650 RMA - Acceptable equivalent PSU?

    Sleeved cables. :D
  3. Y

    AX650 RMA - Acceptable equivalent PSU?

    I'm sorry - I'm looking at the CX650M as on the Corsair website: The 24 pin power cable is wired in, I need that one to be detachable too.
  4. Y

    AX650 RMA - Acceptable equivalent PSU?

    The CX PSUs aren't fully modular, Bronze rated and in a much lower tier - I guess that leaves the RM series (RMx or RMi, any real difference there?) as the only viable Corsair replacement. How does OEM manufacturer CWT stack up against the likes of Seasonic and Super Flower? I'm after a high...
  5. Y

    AX650 RMA - Acceptable equivalent PSU?

    Hi everyone, I've had to RMA my Corsair AX650 as it refuses to power on every now and again. The unit is 5 years old and there is no newer version of it - if they can't replace it like-for-like as per their warranty, what would be an acceptable (Corsair) equivalent in terms of build quality and...
  6. Y

    PSU tier list 2.0

    I've had to RMA my Corsair AX650 as it refuses to power on every now and again. The unit is 5 years old and there is no newer version of it - if they can't replace it with the same type as per their warranty, what would be an acceptable (fully modular) equivalent in terms of build quality and...