Recent content by ZurokSlayer21

  1. Z

    Quadro vs. Geforce for large scene rendering

    Hello experts, I am trying to choose a GPU for my computer. This computer is set up to be a one-size-fits-all type of computer, that can be good at gaming, while also being able to render large scenes effectively in Blender, Zbrush, and Unreal Engine 4. I am looking at either a high end...
  2. Z

    Performance Issues, Possibly Caused by Page File

    I installed GPU-Z, but was only reaching around 250 MB. Far from the 3GB of my card. I however fixed the problem by downloading a newer version of Blender, which is version 2.78c, where I was using 2.75. Now it starts to lag at around 15 million polygons. I don't know, but it may have just been...
  3. Z

    Performance Issues, Possibly Caused by Page File

    I use Blender on a regular basis, however my computer starts to lag after I reach around 100,000 polygons. Now my computers specs are: Motherboard: Supermicro X8DAH+-F CPU: 2 x Xeon X5687 with 3.66 Ghz and 8 logical cores each RAM: 40 GBs ECC (5 sticks each processor) Graphics: ATI Radeon R9...
  4. Z

    Quadro vs. GTX Titan: Which is better?

    My goal is better rendering and less lag when working with high poly models in Blender and Zbrush and working in the Unreal Engine. My question is which would be better for this goal, a high end Quadro card, or a Titan card? Price is not a concern, my objective is the best performance. I also...
  5. Z

    Is my System good for Gaming and Rendering?

    I ask the many experts on these forums to review my system, and I ask if this system will be good with gaming and rendering? I mean I want about 60 FPS with next-gen games. CPUs : 2 Xeon x5687 3.66 GHz quad-core 8 threads each Motherboard : Supermicro X8DAH+-F RAM : 72 GBs of 1333 MHz DDR3 ECC...
  6. Z

    Not Having Desired Performance with Xeon Build

    Each Processor has 20 GBs, or 5 x 4GB DIMMS, because I don't have enough DIMMS to fill all 18 slots just yet. And the RAM is the fastest RAM frequency I could use in this motherboard. My goal of this rig was to get a nice workstation that can render fast and for a long time, while being...
  7. Z

    Not Having Desired Performance with Xeon Build

    My Build consists of the following: CPUs = 2x Xeon x5687 3.66ghz Quad-Core 8-Thread 40 GBs of 1333mhz ECC Memory Radeon R9 280x XFX DoubleD Graphics card Supermicro X8DAH+-F Motherboard While rendering is very good and fast, I am not getting a very good frame rate in Blender. When I run it in...