4DTV Satellite

Forum discussion tagged with 4DTV Satellite.
  1. N

    Computer turning off

    Hi everyone, I just built a PC and soon after i've put old HDDs in it, it started turning off. I also installed Asus drivers in the meantime. It's doing it constantly now, 4 5 6 minutes after i turn it on. Errors that have been appearing are: Whea uncorrectable error, Clock watchdog timeout...
  2. B

    Overheating with watercooling :(

    Hello everyone. I bought a new computer around Christmas time and I had never even though to look at my CPU temperatures because I have watercooling. I recently realized that my GPU temperatures were going really high (but acceptable) and my CPU was going past the danger zone. I don't know how...
  3. flyagaric

    Please help: is my case big enough for this psu?

    Hello, I would really appreciate it if ya'll could tell me if my case is big enough to hold this PSU: http://www.dabs.com/products/best-value-600w-gold-psu-12cm-24-pin-600u-5HN9.html?q=600w%20psu I'm using a Inspiron 560 MT. Will the PSU fit?
  4. vishalaestro

    What is the real use of i72600k.i5 2500k and i3 2100

    for a single gpu which is the best processor ..
  5. vishalaestro

    Will a 600w ups supports gtx 560ti in sli?

    my ups is numeric 600ex .. my new system is intel i5 2500k which is overclocked and 8gb of ram,msi p67a-gd65 motherboard ,gtx 560ti in 2 way sli,corsair 650tx psu..will my ups can run this cpu because it is only 600w ups
  6. C

    CPU heatsink + MOBO compatability

    I just built my new computer, and am having cooling issues. I was told to buy a new heat sink (I am using a hand me down from a repair shop ATM) and was wondering if someone can help me find one that will fit the CPU & my MOBO, as this is all stemming from my lack of ability to pick one out that...
  7. blackhawk1928

    A call to all owners of of LGA 1155

    Hi, I am bit behind the latest/greatest, I'm currently on the LGA1366 socket and X58 Chipset...don't want to upgrade until 1366 is replaced...which is not 1155. I am waiting for socket 2011 (a 6 core cpu minimum) or something like that. Anyway, let me get to the point. From recent benchmarks it...
  8. S

    Help Me

    Hello, Planning to buy a new computer, which one is best for 3d rendering i5 2400 or x6 1100t
  9. G

    What ram should i get for gaming.

    Hello,im planning on getting a i7 2600k but at the moment i got a i3 in my desktop.i was wondering what would be the best gaming ram to put into my computer now that will run on the i3 and will run brilliantly on the i7 im planning on getting on getting
  10. F

    965 BE Oc and 64 bit issue

    I have the 965 BE c3, im using a thermalright silver arrow and overclocking to 4ghz stable prime 95 for 3 hours. max temp 56°c idle is under 35°c. Core voltage is only 1.4v but its very stable. also have 12 gb of ram in this system. Problem is i get bsod evertime i boot into win 7 64 bit if i...
  11. M

    Intel 2500k temps too high?

    I recently purchased a computer pre-built from cyberpowerpc.com and have had it up and going for about a week now. I purchased an aftermarket cpu cooler (noctua NH-D14) and installed it myself. I used the noctua thermal paste that they included with the cooler and applied it with the small rice...
  12. D

    Cleaning thermal paste for the first time

    I've been building a computer for the first time; unfortunately, my first mobo needs to be RMA'd, so I'll also be cleaning thermal paste for the first time. Wish motherboards allowed us to remove both heatsink and CPU at the same time but oh well. I found some 99% isopropyl alcohol in the...
  13. P

    Cpu fan failed error, computer shuts off

    when attempting to turn computer on, Intel screen comes on then error comes up CPU fan failure. Disconnected everything and it started. turned it off and now won't some on at all. cannot get into computer to even check BIOS. changed the fan but still no different result.
  14. zankuto

    Phenom II x4 925 blue screen Help

    The PC in issue is a Compaq Presario CQ5210Y Motherboard: http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c01701270&tmp_track_link=ot_faqs/top_issues/en_us/c01701270/loc:2&cc=us&dlc=en&lang=en&lc=en&product=4005902&x=0&y=0#N92 A friend of mine has a Phenom II x4 925 C3 stepping 95w...
  15. J

    HP Laserjet 1020 300dpi printer driver

    hi guys. i need to print 300dpi on an HP Lasejet 1020 which has a 600dpi minimum resolution. how can i achieve this?
  16. M

    Computer Hangs anytime and anywhere

    Hello guys, I have Computer hangs problem. Computer hangs anywhere sometime in bios too, before POST, after POST, during work, and even in safe mode. So acc. to me its a hardware problem. I kept my computer open so heating of cabinet is not problem but I thought my CPU heat sink may have...
  17. G

    Sudden microphone woes...

    Hey everyone, So today my microphone suddenly stopped working entirely. I have no idea what the problem is, but have been trying to figure it out for over two hours. I am completely lost on what it could be and I really can't think of anything else beyond a full reformat. Hopefully someone has...
  18. R

    Front Panel Display?

    Is there a case/case mod out there that's like a controller panel, but also shows things like GPU temp, CPU temp, Ect.?
  19. R

    Corsair 800d

    Hey, I'm planning on buying the corsair 800d and it seems water cooling is best for said case. But i'm scared are there any guides/videos on how to use watercooling. thanks. PS: I'm looking for some really quiet case fans let me know if you find any.
  20. L

    Computer randomly turning off

    Hello. Sorry if this is in the wrong category im new. If it is mods please move it. I've been having trouble with playing games on my computer. I was playing Garry's Mod for an hour or 2 today and all of a sudden my system shut off. This has happened numerous times for the past few months, In...
  21. S

    Which part should I upgrade

    Hello, I have a dell dimension 4550 that is running really slow on counter strike, I also have a pentium 4 processor 400mhz, 384 of RAM ;) , and a geforce 660 256mb graphics card, could anyone help me upgrade my computer so counter strike will run better, on a side note it takes forever to load...
  22. G

    Do Nvidia GPUs go well with AMD CPUs?

    I was just wondering because I'm building a gaming PC. I saw a motherboards.org video and our man said that AMD processors are better for JUST GAMING, and not to get Intel if you don't do any business. He also said that AMD Gpus go well with AMD CPUs. The thing is, a few of the games I...
  23. M

    Motherboard connectors

    I'm looking for the name of the 3 pin connector that plugs into the motherboard from the front panel power switch. I'm trying to purchase the connector the pins and the crimp tool. It's usually black and as 3 female slots that fit on the motherboarm pins.
  24. L

    Configuring wireless adapters?

    I'm getting very frustrated with the PCI-e wireless adapter I got for my new build, specifically the ASUS PCE-N13, which I got because of all the great reviews and also the D-Link I tried before it reminded me of the dial up days.. However both of these cards are giving me maybe a TENTH of the...
  25. P


    What should be the minimum-maximum speed of CPU FAN. Is it necessary to have white paste below the fan while installing a new fan over processing unit-intel.
  26. D

    Back rad for corsair 800d Help

    I need a 140mm rad to fit there the back exhaust fan is on the corsair 800d. There is no other area to put it. ideas?
  27. HellFreaKz


    there is any solution if the BlueRay disc broken inside the optical drive? regards
  28. S

    Can changing processors cause crashes?

    Hello, I recently had to change my thermal paste, it was my first time doing it, so I accidentally ruined my processor, I had a slightly outmoded processor handy though, and I threw that in, now I'm clocking in at about 32 degrees normally, peak is 46, but that's if I'm really streatching it...
  29. C

    Are the 5.25 inch drive bay covers necessary?

    I want to remove the covers and mount a fan on top of my cd drive, there is another mesh type thing covering it, would this be a good idea? this would (i hope) allow more air to go into this fan, which blows into my cpu cooler, which blows into the exhaust. Thanks
  30. H

    Keyboard Suddenly Stopped Working

    My Saitek Cyborg keyboard seemed to boot fine with my PC this morning (the numlock light came on), but when I went to use the internet, no key strokes would register. I said to myself, "Ok, this is just a silly Windows/driver issue, so I'll just unplug and re-plug it in. It is a brand new...
  31. M

    Cases with upper USB/eSata/etc

    So I'm looking for a new case for a computer I want to build, my preference is for one with a USB/eSata/etc panel on the upper side, preferably USB 3.0, not just 2.0, but I'll take what I can get. I just hate my current case which has the USB at the bottom, and facing downward. Ok if you put...
  32. paliovouna

    I5 2500k or i7 2600k?

    Hi guys. I'm buying a desktop soon, and i need to know what the best for me. Should i get the intel core i5 2500k or the i7 2600k? The computer will be used for heavy gaming, and light video rendering-editing. I don't really care about the time of the rendering of the videos. What i want is to...
  33. S

    Linksys WRT54GS not connecting to network

    Hello, I have the above Linksys router and cannot get it to connect to my AT&T DSL modem and to the network. I also saw where you need to set up a LAN connection in your computer. How is that done?
  34. T

    I need a quality case that is compact.

    I'm looking for a new case to put everything in. Right now I have the HAF942 and it is way too big (21.7" tall without the wheels lol). It's pretty horrendous to look at and I have to move it occasionally. It's not heavy, but it looks stupid when I move it around because it won't even fit...
  35. K

    In a PSU bind

    I had a thermaltake toughpower grand 650 fall into my lap, it's a really nice psu. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817153131 The problem is I don't know if its going to be a able to power the build I was looking at. Seeing as it was free I don't want it to go to waist...
  36. S

    Advice on new CPU

    hey , im looking for a decent cpu without buying a new computer. My socket is LGA 775 and currently have a intel pentium duel core 2.8ghz.
  37. Z

    Microphone issues..

    Hey community, I recently got a new computer and I have come across a certain annoyance which I'm trying to find a fix to. I use a program called ventrilo and everytime I log into it everyone states my microphone gives off a weird annoying noise but they can still hear me. So, I messed around...
  38. L

    What makes a good audio card

    i am not sure if this a right question but i am trying to get a new sound card and i done know anything about it i know how good audio sounds but dont know which things to look for while buying a sound card. also should i go for a sound enhancing software like SRS sandbox rather than buying a...
  39. Destroysall

    Which upgrades?

    Okay, I was planning on purchasing a new mouse and mousepad with my new monitor this upcoming Fall. However, I've been dying to get my hands on some better audio sources. I am now stuck on what to pick. The monitor is sort of a for sure thing, as I'm using a really super old HP LCD DVI...
  40. S

    One little letter (why 900e, 905e, but NOT 910e?)

    I recently was hunting to upgrade my cpu on my first htpc build. I am running the unit 24/7 and re-encoding WMC recordings and such, so the load on my Athlon X2 5050e cpu was a little overworked for what I wanted to do. Otherwise, great energy usage chip (but both cores were maxed when...