4pin cpu

Forum discussion tagged with 4pin cpu.
  1. ketrab

    Question Could dual Xeon run each on 4pin EPS Cable?

    PSU came with single 8pin(2x4 split) EPS cable. Motherboard comes with 2x8pin connectors. Do you guys see a problem if I split the 1x8pin into 2x4pin from the PSU and power each CPU with only 4pin. I believe the max 4pin draw was around 190watts vs e2697v3 shows max TDP of 145W so...
  2. toshei

    [SOLVED] 4+4 pin in z790 maximus hero

    Hi So this is my first time build again after 7 years i just have a 1200 thor psu 4+4(8) 4pin seperate and have a z790 maximus hero but only 4 pin can fit from the motherboard what should i do?
  3. dyran1

    Question 8-Pin Cpu power doesn't work but 4-pin does??

    So I have an ESXI server running on some old hardware I had lying around. It's equipped with an: ASUS Sabertooth 990fx r2.0 FX-8320 20GB 1600 MHz ram During Black Friday I bought a new 550W Seasonic PSU as the old one way too crappy for 24/7 use. I've tested the PSU, and it works great, but the...
  4. K

    [SOLVED] Can i plug one fan hub to another fan hub?

    Hello So, i bought 4 of these: https://pt.aliexpress.com/item/33007236333.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.2742b90aoIrQ28 I dont need 40 fans but i need 12 and they will be far away from each other, each hub will power 3 fans on a 360mm radiator. I have a desk case pc, that is big and fan cables...
  5. P

    Question Can I use an 8 pin cpu cable to 4 pin cpu connector

    So, I upgraded my psu and I notice that I need a 4 pin cable for my CPU, but my psu's cpu cable is 8 pin and won't split in half. Some people say I should just plug in the half that fits and never mind the other half. I'm not sure if I should do it. (correct me if I'm wrong I'm new to...