
Forum discussion tagged with 800w.
  1. Mr.Stork

    [SOLVED] Is Foxin's 800w PSU good enough?

    I have an 800w PSU of Foxin, now Idk is it capable of outputting full 800w. I don't think it is, but at least 700w? I calculated the required power in outervision website. For my full detailed specs and the calculated stuff here's the link: https://outervision.com/b/IJLrfd. I might use the OC...
  2. V

    Help with my PC build

    Hey guys, i need help with a pc build couple of requirements : 1. must use the gtx 960 2. must not exceed $550 US 3. all parts must come from amazon since i live outside the US
  3. L

    is i5 2400 work?

    Im gonna build my for gaming, My question : "Is the component fit the cases"? "Can i play game like watchdog on ultra or high setting?" "Is the PSU enough?" "Is the i5 2400 still good enough" CPU : Intel Core i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz Motherboard : H77M-D3H GPU : Zotac GTX 780 OC 3GB Case :NZXT...