
Forum discussion tagged with a2000.
  1. I

    Question External nvidia gpu not recognized by both windows and linux

    To be honest I do not know how long this has been an issue, since I haven't been using my laptop for hard (visual) tasks in a long time. Today however I wanted to play a game again, but then I came to the discovery that linux wasn't recogizing my nvidia card. I thought it was just a linux issue...
  2. Prad_Bitt

    [SOLVED] 970 Evo vs A2000 vs Blue NVMe

    So I'm looking for a 1TB NVMe drive and I narrowed it down to these because rest are either too high priced, bad service brands where I live, or QLC. The A2000 is $130, Blue is $128, 970 is $155 Im leaning toward the Samsung because I already have 3 Samsung SSDs, (the m.2 860 I'll probably...