amd a10 5800k

Forum discussion tagged with amd a10 5800k.
  1. M

    Question Tried to overclock my GPU and APU in bios saved to restart and have no display

    All of my hardware is pretty old as is and I probably should’ve left it alone but I wanted to try to boost its power. I went into my bios to try to overclock my components. I set my AMD A10 5800k APU to overclock enabled and set my Radeon R7 Sapphire Gpu overclock setting to enabled as well...
  2. P

    [SOLVED] Build new system or upgrade GPU?

    Hello, I want to build a new system, A budget build type system. Maybe with salvaging some parts from my old rig (SSD, GPU, PSU and case). My old spec is : CPU : AMD A10 5800k MB : MSI A55M-E33 GPU : Asus Dual OC RX 460 2GB PSU : Be quiet pure power 10 400w SSD : Kingston 240 GB RAM : Hyper X...
  3. M

    Trying build one pc

    If go for h170 motherboard can i put ssd 240gb? I dont want to overclock It should support full HD 2gb graphic card I3 6100 6th gen 240gb ssd Please can suggest good motherboard for this
  4. Z

    D-LINK Internet Connection Problem(HELP)

    Hey! I recently got a dlink-D93C router. It was working fine until i turned off my internet COMPLETELY and then back on in a couple of minutes(because it was realy slow). Ever since then i have this little yellow triangle with a "!" in the middle and cannot connect to the internet. I have...
  5. S

    running a separate user under a different user for the PC

    So I have a question about how to run a different user account on my PC under my main user account. I work from home and have a dedicated user account that I log into for work. But it's separate from my main user account that I use for day-to-day activity. I want to be able to log into my main...
  6. C

    Bad_Pool_Caller and Kernel_Security_Check_failure has led to a Temporay Profile Please Help!

    While my computer was just sitting idle all of the sudden screen with Kernel_Security_Check_Failure appeared and on restart I now have a Temporary Profile and of course can not access any programs or applications. I had run a diagnose problem as well as a disk check and as the computer...