Hi all,
This issue has been plaguing me for months, with no resolution.
I have had a Steelseries Arctis 9 Wireless headset since September 2020. This headset feature a chat mix function, where the headset presents to Windows as 2 audio output devices, a Headset, and a Headset Earphone, letting...
Title basically sums it up, im trying to see if i can connect my Steelseries Arctis 9x to my Xbox wireless dongle but i cant find any manuals or settings on how to actually connect the headset to it.
Thank you
Arcrtis 3 didn't come with registration code and this headset no longer is supported on SteelSerie's Engine for their gear. I setup the headset with the twoplug-ins in the back and it seemed low, so I changed to one plug-in the front and it still seemed low. I then changed it back to two plug-in...
So i cant decide between these two headsets. Both are at the same price where i live, which is about 90 dollars. Any tips, advice and experience using either.