arkham knight

Forum discussion tagged with arkham knight.
  1. I

    Question CPU Temperature while gaming on Laptop

    My I7 9750H CPU temp is changing around between 80 and 100 celsius while playing Arkham Knight in 1080p 60 fps (It reaches 90-100 celsius mostly while driving Batmobile) with everything maxed out except interactive smoke/fog.Wondering if it's normal or not.Thanks in advance. Here is the...
  2. R

    How to activate Ethernet port in Wall.

    Hello I am new to networking.I bought a townhouse which as a box connecting all the wires.Seeing the picture could someone help me how to activate Ethernet ports in the wall. http://
  3. K


    I've been looking for what feels like forever now and I cannot find the right case. Sorry, but this has been keeping me up at night. I want to build a system that can hold TWO RX 480s when they are released. But I also want a small, cube case. Small as possible. If I could, the...
  4. TheRetroChief

    Give an old machine a new lease of life

    Hello all, Long-time reader, first-time poster. I'm having a shiny new PC soon, but I thought I would give my current machine to the good lady to replace the absolute dog she is using now. I'm not terribly up on the intricacies of RAM and motherboards etc, but do realise that there are an...
  5. IntoDarkness

    Question about Samsung's 4k monitor

    Hello, I'm looking for a 4k monitor that will fit on my desk it has to be under 22" tall. Currently, I have a 1080p Vizio LED TV that is 18 3/4" tall and 29 1/2" wide, not including the base which is 2" tall, and fits perfectly on my desk. I found an affordable 4k monitor and want to know...
  6. B

    Gaming PC Slowed down By Landslide

    My gaming pc has slowed down alot since I've got it and I mean A LOT more than it really should've! I used to get upwards of 200+ FPS on league of legends now I rare go over 55. If anyone can help me figure the issue I would be greatly appreciative. The Specs: