Forum discussion tagged with ASUS B85M-G.
  1. TehMiniSquidz

    Question My i3-4160 boots at 110+ degrees

    So my build has been fine for a while (it's really nothing amazing but does the job!). I then left it for maybe a month or two without booting as it wasn't needed and I had no time for gaming etc. I've come to it now and when I boot I get a cpu over temp error and the bios shows upwards of 110...
  2. S

    Can I use a dual 4-pin to 8-pin converter to power up my RX480?

    Hello everyone. I have 2 things to ask, and i would really appreciate if you could answer them for me. First off, my buddy and i have gotten ourselves an XFX RX480 8GB. However, the cards need an 8-pin in order to connect to the PSU. So the first thing i want to ask is, my buddy's PSU only has...
  3. J

    Please Help? - Sabertooth X99 doesn't recognize Essence STX II

    Hello everyone, Putting my current build together and cannot install drivers for sound card. Can anybody offer any help? (ASUS support did not inspire much confidence when I talked to them) Motherboard - ASUS Sabertooth X99 Sound card - ASUS Essence STX II OS - Windows 10 64-bit Here is what...
  4. S

    Is my CPU overheated? Can I pull it up to 4.4GHz?

    I recently overclocked my CPU to 4.2GHz. The first thing I ever did was running a torture text with P95. This is what the temperatures got to: (HWMonitor was the first thing I opened up on this boot) You can see the max temperatures the socket...