Asus Z87-A motherboard

Forum discussion tagged with Asus Z87-A motherboard.
  1. Jompa

    [SOLVED] Can't get into advanced mode in bios

    Hello! I have an Asus z87-a motherboard which works fine except that I cant access advanced mode in bios. I can get into bios without any issues but when I try to enter advanced mode the screen turns black and nothing happens. I've tried to reinstall windows, clear CMOS by using the jumper and...
  2. Chawlele

    Question Did something bad happen or just to re do?

    To make a long story short I managed to boot into bios using some old ram memory I had. Simple 1600 MHz ddr3. However I decided to go for another type of ddr3. Same frequency etc because I had more of them laying around. I realised something was wrong when I tried to OC the chip. Turns out my...
  3. P

    4Gb out of 8Gb useable, can't find permanent fix

    I always get the 4gb useable problem on my pc, I've found a few work arounds that get me 8Gb useable but they only work for one or two restarts then its 4gb useable again. I honestly don't know what to do, I think it might be a problem with the GPU taking the RAM but I'm not sure how to fix that...