audio dropouts

Forum discussion tagged with audio dropouts.
  1. S

    Question Audio crackling and dropouts, system slowdown while downloading, high DPC latency.

    I don't know if you're allowed to post an issue that is solved but I spent many hours hunting this one down and Tom's Hardware always seems to come up in Google results, so this might help somebody some day. I was suffering from very pronounced audio crackling/dropouts and a general slowdown of...
  2. Fabrinet232

    [SOLVED] SSD runs games badly.

    Hello guys, I have a bit of a problem with my PC at the moment. I bought RDR2 and it ran like a dream. After a GPU update two days ago (or so it seemed), the game started acting all weird: The menu's would take too long to appear, my character wouldn't respond to player input, audio would drop...
  3. Z

    Question High DPC latency and Turbo Boost

    Hello. I experience heavy audio dropouts and crackles when Turbo Boost is on. What I've noticed: -It doesn't happen in safe mode. -When I deactivate GPUs while playing audio, crackles disappear for a while. -It works fine during first minutes after system boot. My specs: Laptop: Lenovo Legion...