
Forum discussion tagged with bad_system_config_info.
  1. T


    For the past several months I have been getting frequent WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR BSODs that seem to happen at random. They've been getting increasingly frequent, 10+ plus per day. Now on every boot up I either get one of the following BSODs: WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO...
  2. D

    Bsod with Realtek

    Hi There I recently built a computer. Im plagued with BSOD especially when I try to play games. First it was Memory Management Errors, I did benchmarks for GPU, Memory 86+, Prime 95 , SeaTools, SFC Scan Now, Chk dsk and still no errors can be found. Last week I got an Nvidia driver error I...
  3. H

    External hard drive not responding.

    I called to customer support and they asked me to download drivers. After download the driver still same My external hard disk still not working. They asked me go to another step which is do a diagnostic. I tried extended scan but after 12 hours scan just a very little amount scanned. Should I...
  4. E

    Which gaming pc is better?

    ive found a couple of gaming pcs but i dont no whether or not they are capable of playing high end games such as crysis 3 on ultra or high with a decent fps. Im on a budget of £700 although some builds are over so could anyone reccommened any changes are aere the builds good as they are...