
Page 2 - Forum discussion tagged with BeQuiet.
  1. R

    Gtx 750 ti

    I am willing to buy a gtx 750 ti 2gb 1 fan but i would like to make sure that it will be compatible with my current pc. I have a dell 7010 MT with a i5 3470 , 8gb ddr3 ram, 500 gb hard drive and a 275w psu so will it be fine with my pc or i will need to change my psu...?
  2. C

    Does this look like a fried CPU for you

    I'm worried as my other Moho had a lot of bent CPU pins and it may have fried it but they are no discoloration of any sort, need help
  3. M

    Which processor is better? K series or Xseries

    i'm confused between intel i7 7700k and i7 7740x processor. both are almost same. can any one tell me which processor should i go with? and why?
  4. D

    No display on new custom pc

    NEW custom PC powers on but no display. Just assembled my first custom pc (without the graphics card as it hasn't arrived yet) and the motherboard lights up, the cpu fan spins etc. but my monitor says no display. I've checked all the wiring and I've only got one RAM stick. I've tried both...
  5. M

    PC wont turn on.

    So my computer will not turn on. It passed the paperclip test. I have tried unplugging everything except Motherboard power, 1 stick of ram and CPU and it still won't turn on. I also removed the CMOS battery to try and reset it with no sucess. There are LED lights on the mother board that are on...
  6. J

    New motherboard, CPU & RAM - Low performance/fps

    Rig Gigabyte Z170XP-SLI Intel i5 6600K Kingston Fury Black 16GB (2x8GB) DDR4 (2400Mhz) Palit GeForce GTX 1060 Windows 10 Home Problem Recently upgraded from a Gigabyte GA-78-LMT-S2P, AMD FX-4100 and DDR3 RAM, and I was hoping to get away with a straight swap. Booted up after replacing...
  7. X

    Laptop compatible LCD screens

    I have a laptop that has a broken lcd screen (Toshiba A505-S69803) I don't know which of these numbers will identify it so I'm typing them all. Will the working LCD be able to replace the broken one? (Broken LCD) 0942 LTN160AT01 6I9J14213P T02 USP6639589/USP5280371 IEC S/N: CMH100J81W5L89...
  8. M

    Need more Pins

    I have ordered a Gigabyte geforce 750 ti 4gb which requires a 6pin power connector. I have checked my mobo (MSI A78M-E35) but I could not find a pci-e power connector. However I have 4 SATA 3 6gb/s ports and was thinking of getting an adapter for sata to a 6pin pci-e power connector. What im...
  9. T

    Will these 2 rams be compatible? They have the same voltage and timings[1] and[2]
  10. G

    Asustor AS5108T NAS Review

    The Asustor AS5108T provides high network traffic performance with existing gigabit networks. This model's four Ethernet ports can aggregate for 10GbE-like transfers. Asustor AS5108T NAS Review : Read more
  11. M

    How Can This Build Be Better?

    So this is my build: PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant CPU: Intel Core i7-4790K 4.0GHz Quad-Core OEM/Tray Processor ($319.99 @ SuperBiiz) CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($26.98 @ OutletPC) Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z97X-SLI ATX...
  12. I

    new pc build...

    Okay im ordering parts for a new pc and wanted some recommendations polease so I was gonna go with either an ASROCK EXTREME 6 MOTHERBOARD OR ASROCK FATALITY KILLER ONE OF THESE VIDEO CARDS... EVGA GeForce GTX 760 4GB SUPERCLOCKED 04G-P4-2768 OR A EVGA GeForce GTX 770 DUAL SuperClocked 2GB...