budget rig

Forum discussion tagged with budget rig.
  1. jason790

    Question How to improving my rig to get a console like experience at 1080p

    Greetings Guys, I am a 1080p gamer. My current rig is an i3 10100, GTX 1660 Super, 16gb 2666mhz & MSI G27C4(monitor). So far my gaming experience is smooth at ultra settings though games like Far Cry 5 won't go above 80 fps(Probably someone here could say why so and how to improve this...
  2. R

    Good $800 Budget build?

    Hello, I was wondering if this would be a good build: http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/cDb24D I saw it on another thread, And it looked decent. I just wanted to make sure it would be able to run BF4, On mediumish settings at a playable framerate, DayZ Any settings, As long as its playable. Thank...