building a desktop

Forum discussion tagged with building a desktop.
  1. D

    Question Building a good office PC (with good budget) any recommendations or corrections in my build?

    Hello guys im building a office pc for my brother with a good budget ( around 1200€ including monitor) i decided go for ryzen 8700G because my brother doesn't care about gaming (though im gonna add a good psu so he can have the option to add a gpu later if he ever wants it) my choices : case...
  2. A

    Question Recently been forced to move into basement is it safe to build PC's in the basement?

    So I was recently moved into the basement because well things happened, now a place to stay at least for the short term, but I am wondering is it safe to build PC's here or am I just forced to buy pre builds?
  3. I

    Question I recently built a new pc but no post

    Mbo: Asrock X570 Taichi Cpu: Ryzen 5 5600G Cpu cooler is the stock AMD one Gpu: 1060 6GB Ram: HyperX Fury 16GB 1TB Samsung SSD 240GB Kingston SSD Cooler Master 750W modular psu I assembled everything and when I try to boot It cycles through the error codes then stops at 98 and nothing after...
  4. E

    Question Building a budget PC and need help.

    So, I recently bought this case--, and got it at a steal for $27. It has mixed reviews, so time will tell if the case is worth it or not, but I do want to work on finding just the basics for now, so I...